Runnin’ and Ruckin’ at Fireball

Event Date

Jan 23, 2023

A couple of runners and a couple of ruckers hit Bailey Road Park this morning to start the week.

YHC and Estwing launched our mission at 5:15 am for a modifed 3.6 miles ruck in the gloom, while Dallas and Fresh Prince had wheels up at the normal 5:30 go time.

Rucking is a nice change of pace and provides good fellowship along the way.  It was great catching up with Estwing this morning as we talked family, work and F3 all while covering 3.6 miles.

Fresh Prince arrived in the parking lot solo right around 6:25am and informed YHC of Dallas’ code brown along the way.  Thankfully for Dallas, his home is along the Fireball loop, so it was a very pleasant “sit down” for him I’m sure.  Apparently Buffalo Wings eaten the night before didn’t sit well with Dallas.

Great start to the week at Fireball!

Humbly in Christ,




