Running at Dragon Slayer Brings Out the Softness

4:59am – Jobe lead a standard with 3 men out of the parking lot, waved to YHC as I drove past

5:01am – DoHo and YHC left for the standard

5:30am – 11 of the finest men in the north charlotte to south Iredalle met for some pain

The Thang:

Station 1: 30 swings, 30 lawn mowers, run to next station

Station 2: 30 curls, 30 chest press, run to next station

Station 3: 30 squats, 30 Merkins, run to next station

Station 4: 15 pullups, 15 Burpees, run to next station

Station 5: 30 Diamond Merkins, 30 LBC's run back to station 1

Rinse and Repeat X3

Total workout:

90 Swings, Lawnmowers, curls, chest press, squats, merkins, diamond merkins, LBCs

45 pullups, burpees

2 Miles of Running


  • Mr. Holland took the FKT, fitting since one was not earned on Tuesday
  • DonHo was a close second
  • If you Q the night before you earned the right to go easy at DS
  • Clearly a sweat feast as witnessed by the wringing out of clothing at the end of the workout
  • Lots of chatter about all the cardio at DS, which you are all better for it
  • Pax asking the MQ to invest in fixing the pullup bars and for heavier KBs
  • Challenge to the Boat Gusters to fill a table at Angels and Sparrows Gala Night on September 16
  • Putting it in writing if they fill a table, I will Q a workout at the AO of their choice, and do so with the winky they provide with no complaints or pushback.
  • All Pax are welcome and invited to this event its for a great cause and there will already be a number of pax there so come on out.