Running at the Estate

Here is the breakdown of the festivities out at The Estate. FNG-1 is for Tantrum's 2.0 Face Plant who hung with the PAX  throughout the workout.


Run 1/2 lap around parking lot with:


High knees

Butt kickers



Circle up at the corner of the lot:



Windmills x10 IC

Cotton Pickersx10 IC

Arm Circlesx10 (reverse x10)

Air Pressx10 IC

Mountain Climbersx10 IC


Find a parking spot for some counting to 11 on the parking blocks (10+1):

10 dips on the parking block, lunge walk across to opposite parking spot, 1 incline merkin on curb, bear crawl back.

9 dips, lunge walk across lot, 2 incline merkins, bear crawl back

…continue pattern until reps are 1+10


Grab a rock and bring it to the corner of the track for:

Full curl x10 IC – followed by one indian run lap around track

Overhead press x10 IC – followed by one indian run lap around track

Skull Crusher x10 IC – followed by one indian run lap around track

Full curl x10 IC – followed by one indian run lap around track

Overhead press x10 IC  – no lap

Skull Crusher x10 IC – no lap

Return rocks


Head to the shelter:

The PAX found a comfortable spot on the wall for some People's Chair with touch dem heels

(I think we lost one PAX to a mid workout code brown for this exercise)


Back to the Parking Lot

We had just enough time for another workout we did 1 lap of 4 corners around the first parking stall bay. Single count reps at each corner:

Merkins x15


Carolina Dry Docks x15

Air squats x15


10 burpees OYO before Mary (this was part of the original plan)



Circle up for some Mary at a little under 10 minutes till ending. Each PAX wouls state their F3 name, how long they have been part of F3, and lead a one Mary exercise.



I had a great time leading the PAX out at the Estate with some solid mumble chatter throughout the workout. It had been a while since I've been to a bootcamp, and yesterday was a great reminder of why I need to get out to them more often (I am certainly feeling it today)!

Thanks Turnpike for the opportunity to lead yesterday and thanks to F3 Nation for making this a thing!

