Running Hills on Flat Ground

At 0530, there were 11 men ready to roll… at the end of the warm-o-rama, 14 men mosey’d away from the parking lot. Is this the influence of Lonestar? 🤷 

Warm-up continued with some form runs around the parking lot and then a COP ensued by the planter boxes with 3 sets of dips, jump ups, and inclined ‘mericans. Next we mosey’d to the gazebo where we launched a modified Jacob’s ladder, with partner and choice of either burpees or turkish get ups. One partner pushes the other 20 yards and then both partners do 1 rep of the exercise. Then the other partner pushes back to the starting point and both do 2 reps of the exercise. Continue to 6 reps. Thanks to Outlaw for the 10 count. YHC needed it. I think Bijoux was out in front for this Ladder.

Mosey to the next pain station for a mobility moment. 

Mosey to another parking lot (lots to choose) for another COP, which included some lunges and WWII situps, followed by another modified Jacob’s ladder. This time, it was partner pull with Carolina Dry Docks on either side, up to 6 reps. Mosey back toward the start, where we found enough wall for all to take a seat. Some seated exercises and hip stretching ensued, followed by the feet on wall hip slap. 

Finally, we ended at the battle rope for MWAR. Each person took a turn working shoulders on the rope and each person took a turn calling out an ab exercise up to a max of 7 reps, in cadence. We ended on time. 

Thanks, Oyster, for taking us out reverently.

Coffeeteria was well attended.

Thanks for following me for 45 minutes, for inspiring me to get up every day, and for always being a source of my gratitude at the end of the day. Let’s do it again tomorrow… start the day with a sense of purpose and end it with a sense of accomplishment. 
