running, rocks & more

FNG 1 Snake Eater not on site

FNG 2 named Jack Zuhosky named Zahmbie

warm up: SSH 20X, IST 10x, TS 10X, windmill 10x

The thang: mosey to the quad and partner up

three way lunge (front, side, back) while partner ran the quad flip flip then other leg for next round

man maker merkin while partner ran the quad, flip flop

sissor twist up and down while parnter ran the quad, flip flip

mosey to the breezeway

dips while partner ran circle, flip flip

step ups while partner ran the circle, flip flop

decline carolina dry dock while partner ran the circle, flip flip

mosey to flag for pledge

each pack grab a rock of choice

jump squats 20, rock squats 20x, rotate 2 rocks

low curl 10x, high curl 10x, full curl 10x, rotate 6 rocks

rock press 16x, scorpion dry dock 16x, rotate 7 rocks

skull crushers 15x, dips 15x, rotate 1 back to your rock

8 count burner 10

rocks back and mosey to home base


thug lbc 20x, airstream pretzel crunch 20x, caesar touch them heels 15x, riverboat freddie merc 10x, strom crunchy frog 10x, cally susan summers 20x

break dancer 20x, thee burpee


some where confused on the 3 way lunge if it was one leg or both legs

Metallica and Riverboat where talking about leaving and going to fartlek when i called man maker merkins

Cally helped me find the breezway

Lonestar kept getting stuck with the big rock and was making many noises and MacBeth called him out and then he stopped

thanks for the pax that helped with mary

good seeing snake eater visiting macbeth

Welcome outlaws son Zahmbie

Zahmbie and I were the only non-respect in the pax this morning

I have the Q at Mighty Oak tomorrow!