Running the Loop Backwards = Same Miles

Science Experiment.  If you take the same loop but run it backwards will it result in the same mileage.  Unlike Saturday's Long Run the answer is Yes!  Route was described as down Kimberly instead of the dreaded up Kimberly.  That's what's great about Fireball.  You are going to get your elevation.  It's either through a short slog or a long haul.  Great to switch it up

0530 Standard – Mort, Curd, Count, Squiggy, YHC.  Since Fireball was going to be run backwards did our normal standard backwards.  Running up through the Bailey Glen Neighborhood was tough.  Escpecially when Mort is toeing the line at a 7:50 pace in heat and humidity.  Strong showing by all men, who all kept up.

0600 Fireball – Same as above + Optimus, Hoodie, Primo, PrimeTime, Methane, Billy Bob and Dallas.  Mort and PT led the PAX. Dallas then GOAT'd them right before Davidson-Concord.  Bahaha!  Lot of fast strong runners in the heat.  Methane and Mort were smoking fast.  Primo – impressive as always.  Optimus – gave a push this morning.  All finished very strong considering the heat and humidity.  Which doesn't appear to be going away anytime soon. 


– Curd has the route to avoid Bailey Springs climb.  May need to try and follow next time

– Mort is training for secret mountain 100 milers and it is showing. 

– Cyclists are strong runners.  But there are runners still running.  Glad to see the attendance from the PAX.  Much respect.

– The Goat Busters are on The Counts S%$T list and that list is long!!  Scheduling a Long Run on a Friday instead of showing up to Odyssey is a decleration of . . well Independence

– I want to be Primo when I grow up.

– PT Wood Splitting Post is the hottest new AO

– Heal Up Duvall!  We miss ya!

– Together we get better.  Let's stay strong and stay motivated. 



– LF
