Running Through Dexter’s Lab at Mad Sci

Warm UP           

Mosey around DPK

                SSH – 20x

                Windmill – 10 x

                IST – 15x

                Cotton Picker – 10x

                Mountain Climber – 10x


The Thang

Round 1              

Mosey to bottom level of parking deck – Partner UP

                Partner One – Merkins

                Partner Two – Lunge to next landing and run back / Flapjack (PAX combine for 100 reps)

                Partner One – LBCs

                Partner Two – Quadrifilia to next landing and run back / Flapjack (PAX combine for 150 reps)

                Partner One – Squats

                Partner Two – Broad Jump to next landing and run back / flapjack (PAX combine for 200 reps)

                WW2 Sit-ups – 20x


Round 2              

Mosey to Clock

                Step Ups – 15x each leg

                Dips – 10x (IC)

                WW2 Sit-ups – 20x

                Carolina Dry Docks – 10x (IC)

                Squats – 15x (IC)

                Merkins – 10x (IC)


Round 3              

Mosey to rock pile – Grab a rock Yo Mama would be proud of

                Low curls

                High Curls

                Full Curls

                Overhead Press

                Rock Squat

                Skull Crusher

                Staggered Rock Merkins



                Mosey around DPK



Work our way around the circle and each PAX leads us in an abdominal exercise

                THE Burpee


                Recover Recover



1.   Great job pushing through today by the PAX.  

2.   Tweetsie showed some "True Grit" today.  Further proving he's the toughest preacher in NoCo.

3.   The regulars at #MadSci like a tough workout, and I think I delivered thanks to the early mumblechatter.

4.   Big T-Claps to the runners for joining us for COT.  Always great seeing you guys in the gloom.
