Running with Einstein

Event Date

Sep 16, 2021


While Einstein has finally starting Qing (2nd in 2 weeks) we are still working on him posting a back blast.  Still not a back blast from his virgin Q at Paininsula last week.  Tsk tsk.The Q was quickly called out for starting a minute early at 5:30 instead of 5:31.  Hopefully Lonestar wasn’t running around looking for us. 

Mosey to Parking lot by Talbots for the usual warmarama.   SSH, IST, Long Snappers and Windmills.  And as expected with Einstein….. merkins.

First segment run up Sam Furr to the faux fountain and stopped for some exercises.Run to Elevation church for the next round of exercises.

Run to Robbins Park for some exercises.

Run back to Elevation church for some exercises.

Run to the faux fountain.  Remember to keep good form in case the burn babes see you! 

Final run to home base.


Yes, I left out which exercises we did.  I figured since I wasn’t the Q I didn’t have to worry about remembering them…. 

I do know that we got in 100 merkins.  Einstein made sure of that.


Fast group today.  It’s not that often Frogger is pulling in the 6 at the end…..

Good to see Spaulding back out at Java.  Thought he might have forgotten about the Java workout!

As usual I overheard Kleanup and Pavarotti solving some world problems while running.  Glad we provide a venue for those 2 to talk.

Speaking of Pavarotti, he’s starting to get convinced that Skechers make some good running shoes.  Just aske Heely!

Kudos to Stromboli for the first back to back running days since he had hip surgery early in the year.  That’s 6 strong miles in 2 days for that young man!

Frogger not so kind to the Q thinking he just copied a prior route……  isn’t that what we all do??

Looking forward to having some promised Q’s from Ultraman and Diehard!

Thanks for taking us out with the closing prayer Spaulding!