Running with pitchforks

Event Date

Jul 09, 2024


The Q #PB’d early with clear directions.  367 pax were too soft to try it.  But 7 gloom warriors saw it and said “hell yeah” or “why not” or “what else am I gonna do” or “sh*t I forgot what the PB was, I hope its easy” and they showed.

0530 the soup was thick with 100% humidity but the pax was off

That thang:

  • warm up run to the roundabout at HardCore (Jason)Hill.
  • Standard run down each road and tempo run back up to the top…..and yes each road was a hill.
  • repeato for each road on that strip
  • cool down run back to the AO

COT happened

Pitchfork mob moleskin:

  • when designing it on mapmyrun, the route ended up looking like a pitchfork
  • YHC didn’t realize on map my run that he was also mapping the alleyways in between houses, so when we got on the actual course it was less roads.  But since the repeato was already on, the pax knew to keep crushing it until 0615
  • all in all the pax got between 4.25 and 6 miles (tclaps Cousin Eddie and Beave for crushing it)
  • Pretty sure the first time Cousin Eddie passed me while doing tempo up the hill, he said “I hate you” then the next time “but I like you” then the last time it was something like “duck you”.  
  • Mulligan was pretty masterful out there.  He was in a zone the whole time.
  • Frogger, Dingo, R2D2 went out strong, stayed strong, then got into some deep conversation and slowed down.  At least we are going to blame it on good conversation.
  • What I learned today:  I want to be Beave one day.  That’s it.  I just want to be like him.  To run as easily and fluidly as he does.  The issue is I don’t want to be Beave every other day when he puts in the hard work and preparation to be able to make it look effortless.  But that’s the factory where champions are made.  So be a Beave, know what you want and do the work to get there, and be diligent.  Even if the work is not glorious like stretching and warming up properly or being diligent with fuel.  Just be a Beave, don’t be YHC.  Because YHC wants to be a Beave instead.