“S” is the Best

Event Date

Jun 21, 2024


Thanks to Sonar for joining me. 

Warm Up

Joined Mater and Dr Doolittle for lap around PL.

Main Thing

Working on arms, core and legs


IC x 15:

curls, trifectas, squat press, upright rows, single arm snatch and press, OYO swings

Mosey to top of PL.  Dips on fence. Back to launch pad


Dead lift, goblet squats, sumo lift, Walmarts, swings, 


KB sit-ups, plank pull throughs, chest press to OH extend, swings, lunge walk to 1st white line for KB drag; plank position do 4 drags followed by +1 merkin.  Work up to 5 merkins then back down to 1.  Back to launch pad.


20 x LBC, Pretzel crunch, low flutters and done.