Sally Ring of Fire

Event Date

Nov 26, 2016

Six strong men met Sally numerous times this morning. Hopefully, she will not appear again for a long…long time. 

Warm Up:

IC SSH x 20



IC 10 Punch-up Merkins

IC 10 Captain Thors

IC Cotton Pickers x10

The Thang:

Ring of Fire = Mosey around ELHS AO. Strategically placed flags will determine pain station. Some have exercise, those that don't = a Sally. 

As a group, follow Q throughout ELHS-Mustang grounds, to find an orange flag with an exercise labeled. The following exercises were used:

  1. Sally = Squats
  2. Mountain Climbers
  3. Captain Thor's
  4. Sally = Plank
  5. Punch-up Merkins
  6. LBC
  7. SSH
  8. Sally = Leg lifts

Have to return, repeato as we pick up the flags…

  1. SSH
  2. LBC
  3. Punch-up Merkins
  4. Sally = Plank
  5. Captain Thor's
  6. Mountain Climbers
  7. Backward 100yd mosey
  8. Sally = Squat

Mosey to Flag pole

IC Bench Dips x20

IC Incline Merkins X20, 11? YHC confused himself on the count, finished w 15

Sprint to Launch Pad, YHC was going to race Skipper; however, had a rock in his shoe…yeah that was it.


Round Robin, each PAX took a turn, Skipper brought out a new one for ELHS "Stranded Turtle"


Limited mumble chatter this am. Suppose the five apperances of Sally had something to do with that. Small, but strong, post this am.


It’s curious that we spend more time congratulating people who have succeeded than encouraging people who have not.

Found some quotes that work well with the definition of a HIM, that will help demolish the above quote. 

Characteristics of HIMs 

Consistency. These folk are not restless flashes in the pan—here today, gone tomorrow. Neither are they given to fads and gimmicks. Those who impact lives stay at the task with reliable regularity. They seem unaffected by the fickle winds of change. They're consistent.

Authenticity. Probe all you wish, try all you like to find hypocritical flaws, and you search in vain. People who impact others are real to the core; no alloy covered over with a brittle layer of chrome, but solid, genuine stuff right down to the nubbies. They're authentic.

Unselfishness. Hands down it's there every time. Those who impact us the most watch out for themselves the least. They notice our needs and reach out to help, honestly concerned about our welfare. Their least-used words are "I," "me," "my," and "mine." They're unselfish.

Tirelessness. With relentless determination they spend themselves. They refuse to quit. Possessing an enormous amount of enthusiasm for their labor, they press on regardless of the odds…virtually unconcerned with the obstacles. Actually, they are like pioneers – resilient and rugged. They're tireless.

Honored to lead this morning,


