Sally Up and Sally Down, but NOT with Merkins!

Large Mouth, Mounds as FNG1 and FNG2 at they are not registered.

Coming off a Fartsack coming off the Super Bowl meant YHC really wanted and needed a good beating, so why not drag a bunch of pax along with me?  Aye!  Well despite the warning in the PB, 15 pax plus the Q showed up and endured quite the leg workout and calorie burn…


Slow mosey around the parking lot a little, halt at the end of one of the rows beside the pull-up bars. Various exercises such as SSHs, ISTs, Long Snappers, Windmills, Rockettes, etc.  The pax was quick to pick up on the emphasis on the hammies…  One more mosey just cuz.

Next the ILUO.  It’s just a little running… Sprint the I, recover mosey the rest of the way around, halt at the starting line.  Next sprint the L, recover mosey.  Next the U, so on and so on.  The pax got some planks and stretching in along the way, as well as a lil bitta runnin’.

Ok that’s done – hey let’s mosey some mo.  Slow mosey from pull-up bars to the stairs up by Stumptown. Que the music.  Play Moby’s “Flower” (Green Sally Up, Green Sally Down).  This got the pax believing they knew what was coming next… but they didn’t.

Arrive at the steps for instructions.  Everyone on the steps.  Rows of 3, spread out top to bottom (hard to get 16 pax on this staircase).  Instructions:  While Flower is playing, bunny hop up 2 steps on “Green Sally Up” and down 1 step on “Green Sally Down”.  All while in the squat position.  Remain in squat position while wating for the next set of bunny hops.  This was a bit chaotic and most pax audibled to hopping up and down just one step at a time but in the end I think we all felt the burn in the quads.

Hey let’s mosey some mo.

Mosey back to the pull-up bar area, grab some curb.  Que the song again for Christian McCalf-raises.  And you know what to do.  More burn.

Let’s mosey again.

Mosey across the parking lot, past the church, turn and come back down the lower row of the lot until we reach the Force-mobile.

Here the pax would witness YHC whip out his big, long, thick, black…   rope.  Time for MWAR.

After all pax except YHC had a turn on the rope and all pax except (Not sure who was on the rope first?) got to call a Mary exercise, then we were done.

The Mosey Moleskine:

Don’t think we covered all that much ground – bet it was maybe just over a mile – but the mix of sprints and slow mosey’s, bunny hops and squats and the Christian McCalf-raises it felt like a pretty good leg day.  Then throw in some abs/core.

Nice crowd today with 16.  Last week (or the week before?) Tuffy had 18.  Toby is doing a great job at this AO pulling really strong numbers.  YHC believes this is because he requires PBs between noon and 7:59PM and ensures all Qs post F3 Counts and timely BBs.  Boom.  That’s the not-so-secret recipe.

WARNING:  Cherry Bomb with the Gladiator Q next week!!!
