Same But Different

Event Date

May 16, 2019


The Samson regulars banded together today for yet another Mona Lisa beatdown

Hopes of seeing some kotters that YHC has been tagging (66, Bootlegger, Canary) were crushed when go time arrived and there was a no show.  

Regardless, the Samson Six banded together to have their fun.


Mosey to back


The Thang

Run down to the fire pit area

20 step ups each leg OYO


Bulgarian Split Squats

Inclined Merkins

over to steps for Calf Raises

3 rounds performed

Head over to the wall for People's Chair

Air press and touch them heels

Move on to the lot

Lieutenant Dan's up to 10 walking toward the back (It was good timing at this point that Macho Man started playing.  This brought about even more mumblechatter from Limbeurger)

Grab a block

Curls, skull crushers, shoulder press, lawn mower, chest press

Blocks back and mosey to the front for MARY

LBC, Jane Fonda, WWII, dying cockroach


Another fun and exciting day at Samson.  We were lucky to have a Limburger sighting since he has not been out since handing over (well more like pushing on) the MQ.

Limburger, Swede, and Tugboat were such a distraction that they got sent to the Principal's office

Thank you guys for showing up today.  We had our fun and worked our bodies to be Macho Men
