Same Sh*t, Different Day

18 PAX (above plus Sea Biscuit and 4 others) went off cycle to join YHC for the Thursday edition of the heretofore Monday Khan Job.  Several Monday regulars were in attendance, chuckling to themselves as they knew what was coming for the indoctrinated remainder.  YHC chose to wear "period attire," which thankfully only resulted in minimal chafing.  Fortunately it was still dark outside.

The workout:

Jog to Chambers for warmup, circle up around the platform shoes left behind by Robert Plant, foreshadowing to be sure (P'diddy- "this is starting to be weird.").  There was some talk about SSH with the shoes (on or in hand), but those f-ers are heavy with all the fake fish, water, zebra fur and plexiglass involved.

Jog to Track….slippery when wet.  Stairway to Seven.  Still brutal after all these years.

Run to front of Baker for Neopolitans (nothing like ice cream- 3x merkins- regular, wide, diamond without breaking plank) followed by wall jumps (again, difficult yet still fashionable in period attire)

Run to back corner for halftime Mary, avoid security truck, run to pullup bars. 2 sets of pullups and squats. 

Reverse back to Baker back corner (Mary), Baker front (Neo, wall jumps) and Chambers (SSH, burpees, etc.).  Jog back to Green for obligatory J-Slo.  Shakespeare suggested symetry was broken when Stairway to Seven II (Jason Bonham now on drums) was avoided in the interest of time, so beware if YHC ever leads a Saturday.

COT- thanks again for the chance to lead and to make an ass of myself again at the same time.  Very grateful for the group and the strength you all provide.  Make sure and cherish the moments in your family life- Wednesday was my eldest's last basketball game which was more sad for me than him.  See you in the gloom.