Samson Arms

Event Date

May 18, 2023


Samson Arms

The pax were intrigued about the #pb’s promise of arms day (Phoenix opined that this was a good way to kidnap a lot of men – beware when he’s ready to Q and posts about an arms day), but The Force was also skeptical about whether the #pb was a lie, considering my penchant for sprints.  However, I kept my promise and only moseyed a limited amount with absolutely no sprinting.

I was at a work event in the Charlotte FC Gallery Suites last night where the beer flows like wine and the food was unending (and free).  I also ran into Crocs, Walkie-Talkie, and another Pax (I’m sorry, I forget his name, but I met him at the Polar Bear for his first post).  Despite the sushi, wings, cookies, dessert bar, and drinks, I somehow made it out of bed to Q.






Toy Soldiers

Long Snappers


The Thang: Grab a block – minimal runs in between exercises.  The exercises performed were the following, but not in this same order:


Chest press (high reps) IC

Slow Merkins IC (down on 3)

Slow Diamond Merkins IC (down on 3)

Decline Merkins IC


Upright row IC

Shoulder press IC

Front raises OYO


Pull-up hangs (as long as you can at the top) OYO

Bent over row IC

Lawn mowers (single arm) IC


Triple 7’s: low, high, full curl OYO

Reverse curl OYO

Negative curls (up regular – slow 5 count down)


Slow skull crusher IC (down on 3)

Dips IC

Praying mantis IC


Wrist rolls OYO

Fireman’s carry – per Phoenix’s request


To get back to launch, we did walking lunges and inch worms.



I don’t recall what Bob Ross picked because my arms were still burning

The Force picked Penguins (touch them heels)

Phoenix picked 6-inch leg-lift holds

And I picked LBCs



You see… YHC can Q without sprints!  It’s great seeing Phoenix posting at more workouts and becoming a regular from Croc’s Cedarfield Clan.  Bob Ross is always pushing hard and in good spirits which keeps this Q motivated.  The Force was also there with his usual and much appreciated humor and inappropriate comments, but with much support, also keeping this Q motivated.


We were all made better by getting up this morning and I certainly felt better after putting in the work.  Now on to prepare my arms for the inevitable soreness that I will awake with tomorrow for the jiu jitsu AO.

Until next time…

– Drebin