Samson Plays Best One-Hit Wonders of Past Week

Event Date

Mar 03, 2016


A strong and seemingly eager PAX of 9 F3ers gathered in the gloom, with for a cinder block boot camp beatdown at the state-of-the-art big green gym of Lake Forest Church.   

Warm Up:
Grab a 10” cinder blocks from the stash
Farmer’s carry/walk of cinder block to pull-up bars (at least a 150 yard hike)
SSH x 12
Imperial Storm Trooper x 12
Windmill x 12

The Thang:
Take ONE step, Block-Squat-to-Press x 20 yards
Burpee x 10
Traveling Block Lunge-Twist x 20 yards
Burpee x 10
Take ONE step, Block-Squat-to-Press x 20 yards
Burpee x 10
Traveling Block Lunge-Twist x 20 yards
Burpee x 10

Back to Pull-Up Bars with Block over head, right arm x 90 seconds
Block over head – left arm x 90 seconds

Dead Hang Pull Up x 5
Run to caddy-corner of square
Hand-Release Merican x 15
Run to caddy-corner of square (Pull-Up Bars)

Dead Hang Pull Up x 5
Block Swing x 20

Run to caddy-corner of square
Hand-Release Merican x 15
Run to caddy-corner of square (Pull-Up Bars)

Dead Hang Pull Up x 5
Block Swing x 20
Bent-Over Row Right Arm x 20
Bent-Over Row Left Arm x 20
Hand-Release Merican x 15

Block Mosey with Block Above Head – back to block stash

Hand-Release Merican x 15

On the double mosey to church building

Rocky Balboa x 2 min.
Appolo Ohno x 2 min.
Human Protractor x 30/60/90/60/30 degrees

6 minutes of Mary (Everyone’s Favorite, Round Robin x 12):
LBC x 12
ABC x 12) (A-L)
Alternating Crunch x 12
Box Cutter x 12
Low Flutter x 12
Peter Parker x 12
Unbroken 6” Raise x 1 min.

Beginning Temperature: 31F
Weather conditions: Dry
Total time: 45.00.00

1.  As Frogger, Springfield, and Bogey noted, there was some classic Uncle Rico plagiarism in this workout, as the Samson WO dished out some of the best one-hit wonders of the past week, thanks to Bogey, Crimson, and Zuul.
2.  Someone was playing some classic rock just before the WO.  A nice touch; perhaps we need to work this into the full WOs.
3.  Not a great day to forget the gloves due to the cold and frequent block handling. 
4.  Bogey (AKA anitRG3) is always a good one to demo the dead-hang pull-up (otherwise known as, the Pull-Up).  Better to do 5 good ones than 10 half-hearted or bad form.
5.  Figured the new Rocky movie is out – needed to give the tribute.  Then Bogey mentioned hockey, and so we had to audible to the Appolo Ohno exercise. 
6.  Forgot to introduce the rest of the Lake Forest gang to the Jane Fonda – will have to do so next time.   Jane Fonda with blocks will be a new one.
7.  Hey, who was the wise guy who left 5-6 blocks thrown around the place, without stacking them?  Not cool.  Glad the Lego light came on just in time or we may have had a few landmine injuries.
8.  Once again, it was a real honor to lead the PAX today in the Samson WO.  Thanks to Jedi for the opportunity.  A lot of tired looking faces at COT, but everyone hung in there without any BS calls. 
9.  Stay tuned to the Samson WO – I’m sure Gray Ghost is cooking up something good for 3/10/16.