Samson Reminds Me – Welcome Bullwinkle

Event Date

Jul 05, 2018


Parked in the LFC parking lot feeling very sleepy, I looked up to notice what looked like the opening scene to Back to the Future.  You know the one.  The one where Future Doc blazes into the parking lot chased by terrorists in a VW Bus.

That's what Blackberry's car looked like as he took the entrance corner on two wheels at 0500.

We stretched.  We ran the standard.  I was reminded today why F3 and specifically the bonds forged here are so important.  The are important because when you feel like the world, the devil, and even yourself are against you… there is a brother to remind you.  To remind you that you are not alone and that you are bigger than any issues you face.

Return to parking lot.  MiniMe and FNG Todd standing by.  Incoming… Mona Lisa & Ramrod.  What follows is what made us all better men today.

Disclaimer: done.


  • mosey plinko style through each parking bay
  • frankensteins and lunges in between for stretches
  • repeato until finished with the whole lot (6 bays)
  • Through in one quadriphilia/backpeddle/running backwards [incognated]
  • 25 SSH ICff
  • 20 IST IC
  • 15 CP IC
  • 5 WM IC
  • 1 min girl fight


  • Grab blocks (grumbling form pax – no bs yet)
  • BONEMILL! (BS calls)
  • Each man has a station with block
  • alternating leg & arm exercises
  • one man farmer carrys two blocks 50M down and back
  • rotate repeato until all have gone
  • Paint the lines with a burpee (thanks Bob Ross – new fave)
  • choose your own adventure (pax revolt – suggestions of coffee with 20 mins left)
  • Choice revoked
  • mosey to new benches for 2 rounds of dips and leg ups IC
  • mosey back
  • put blocks way
  • unwinded the mosey in with one more quadriphilia/backpeddle/runbackwards


  • 50 Low-flutters IC – for FNG's upcoming repectful age
  • 10 WWII Situps
  • 10 Freddy Mercury's IC
  • 10 Box cutters IC
  • 10 LBCs
  • 10 Big Baby Crunches
  • 1 Crisp Clean Burpee
  • 30 second plank

Schweatty Moleskin

  • Conrgrats to FNG Todd for shedding the Todd-skin and become F3 Bullwinkle – I wish we grew up together.  Your parties seem amazing
  • MiniMe – There's a right way and and easy way.  Thanks for reminding me.
  • Ramrod – pretty sure it was a tie on the bear-crawls
  • MonaLisa – crushed it, bro!
  • Blackberry – thanks for the ear this morning.  Many things get sorted out on a Standard in LKN.