Samson Suicide February Edition

Ever since last month, there has been some Twitter chatter amongst F3LKN about getting out to give the Samson tradition of Samson Suicides a go.  Admitedly I was skeptical but also intrigued today as I made the trek in for the February Edition of the workout.  The boys from DragonSlayer even decided it was worth a go but must have given Cherry Bomb the wrong address to LFC as he missed the chance to attempt his virgin SS with his friendly cohorts!!  In any case, 13 strong ventured into the LFC gloom ready to work…..and work we did!!!

Warm Up:

HOFF-A-RAMA (Basic warm up with some Burpees in between…..15 total to be exact!!!)


Samson Suicides (Show to know!!!!)


Elbow Plank (The pax rebeled against me not including Snake Eyes and his Shoulder Touch Merkin tradition so decided to put in some extra credit while I grabbed my phone)


SS was born during COVID, and like most things related to COVID, it SUCKS!  However, its a darn good sweat and we pushed through 5 levels as well!!!

Snake Eyes: always incredible in the workout and an even better prayer to take us out!!!

66, Bob Ross, and Red October have become regulars to Samson and showed guts in grinding it out today!  Red October was moving well today without that weighted vest!!!

Uncle Rico seems to like SS….missed last month but another strong performance and he begged Snake Eyes for the Shoulder Touch Merkins

QBert returned for another attempt at SS and killed it!!!  I thought I remember last time him saying that he would never come back????  Well done brother!

Scrappy, DonHo, Auto, Hoodie, Dino, and Enron all picked up their virgin SS and killed it……I am pretty sure DonHo repeated the last part of almost every phase….Scrappy was not far behind, AND thanks for the music brother!!!!…..Auto uses pull ups to recover!!!…..Hoodie has speed man!!!!…..Dino getting back out after some time off looked like he was ready for more at the end!!!…..Enron quietly pushed through and showed his resilience for sure!!!!

Great work men!

Until next time!


