Samson Sweat Shop…”Think you’ll make the weight?”

As the immortal Shute said in arguably the best wrestling movie ever (Vision Quest –…."think you'll make the weight?" well YHC and 11 other brave souls (including 2 FNG's) decided to bust the fart sack and challenge themselves with a sweat inspired workout.  Each was treated to a TBone special called the Samson 10's.  Each of the PAX put forth the maximal effort to make the weight.  Here is how it went down


Warm-up Lap around the parking lot (.29 miles for those keeping score).  All exercises IC except where noted

SSH x 30

IST x 15

Seal Claps x 25

Cotton Picker x 15


Mosey to Pull up Ladder area, circle up

The Samson 10's – 10 exercises, executed for 1:00 each with 20 sec rest/transition period (15:30)

  1. Burpees
  2. Low Flutters
  3. Mericans
  4. LBC
  5. Block Presses
  6. Big Baby Crunch
  7. Shoulder Touch Mericans
  8. Squats
  9. Elbow Plank
  10. Carolina DD

Then lap around the parking lot (.29 miles) and back to Pull Up Ladder for Repeato

Finished right on time so no Mary as plenty of abs was had during the workout


First, it was an honor as always to lead at this AO – all PAX were engaged, mublechatter was flowing from the start, but somehow died off during round 2

I believe everyone made the weight today – excellent effort by all given the obnoxiously humid conditions – we can now all wrestle Shute

Welcome Skywalker (FNG-1 Luke) for his second post – hopefully this one was better than Fallout on Tuesday.  Keep coming back, I promise that it won't get easier, but you will get better.  And welcome FNG-2 Charlie (first Post) – see you next thursday – keep coming out

Apparently prison rules apply during my workouts…had to be there! and I will leave it there for now

Till the next time…TBone, Out!