Samson – Unsolicited MiniConvergence

Event Date

May 04, 2017


A strong, and seemingly eager, PAX of 7 F3ers gathered in the gloom, with cinder block workout buddies in hand, for a Boot Camp beatdown Samson style at the state-of-the-art big green gym of Lake Forest Church.    

Warm Up:
SSH x 30
Windmill x 20
Merican x 10
Mosey lap around campus

Main Event:

Pick up a workout buddy (cinder block)
Zamporini to pull-up bars

Pull-up x 5
Right-arm block lawn mower x 10
Left-arm block lawn mower x 10
Block curl x 10
Block skull crusher x 10
Block sumo squat x 10
Block swing x 10
Block push to other end of parking lot (40 yards)

Right-arm block lawn mower x 20
Left-arm block lawn mower x 20
Block curl x 20
Block skull crusher x 20
Block sumo squat x 20
Block swing x 20
Block push to other end of parking lot (40 yards)

Pull-up x 5
Right-arm block lawn mower x 30
Left-arm block lawn mower x 30
Block curl x 30
Block skull crusher x 30
Block sumo squat x 30
Block push to other end of parking lot (40 yards)

Right-arm block lawn mower x 40
Left-arm block lawn mower x 40
Block curl x 40
Block skull crusher x 40
Block sumo squat x 40
Block swing x 40
Block push to other end of parking lot (40 yards)

Pull-up x 5
Block swing x 30
Pull-up x 5

Mosey with block to stretching group (church patio)

Block shoulder frontal raise x 20
Block shoulder press x 20
Block bent-over row x 20

Zamporini to parking lot
Partner up: partner 1 farmer carry two blocks, partner 2 lung walk (flip flop)

Beginning Temperature: 70F
Weather conditions: Dry.
Total Running with or without KB Distance: most likely .25 mile
Total Planking Time: less than one minute
Total time: 45.00.00

1.  Great effort by all posting.  
2.  Limburger noted big BS on stretching group during a Samson WO.  So, we just had to pay a visit with a unsolicited mini-convergence.
3.  Qbert looked like he may have had a couple of Red Bulls before the workout – solid. 
4.  Apparently we forgot to do the set of 30 block swings, but made up for it at the end.
5.  Might be a few sore arms and shoulders tomorrow.  Good sign of change.  
6.  As always, an honor to lead fine men at Samson.
7.  Word on the street is that Qbert is cooking up a good one for Samson next week.