Samson’s Arms

Event Date

Sep 07, 2023


YHC got busy this week and neglected to plan a workout, so the day before searched notes on the iphone for previous Samson/Sword Qs.  Could not find the weinke which detailed out how the pax would push blocks all the way around the parking lot – darn.  But another hard weinke was located…  Happened to be the 9 year anny workout.  Looked painful yet fun, and completed more than a year prior, so let’s go!

6 pax showed up this hot, muggy morning, only 1 knowing what was in store (that’d be YHC).  Here’s what the rest of them found out about:

Mosey, Warm-o-Rama (usual stuff)

Grab blocks

Chin-ups x 5 (pretty easy? Wait for it…)

Skull crushers x 100

Chin-ups x 5

Colt 45 (that’s 3 sets of curls x 15 IC)

Chin-ups x 5

Mosey down the lot for bench dips

Mosey to the corner

Partner up. Helping hand

Mosey to the top corner

Find your partner again. Helping Hand (again)

Chin-ups x 5

Close grip chest press

Chin-ups x 5

Lawn Mowers

Chin-ups x 5

Wide grip block press

Chin-ups x 5

Blocks up high while pax finish chin-ups. Line up, shoulder press while we return the blocks

Blocks up

Down to launch pad


The year-old Moleskine:

After the 1st set of chin-ups, Drebin declared, “Can’t remember the last time I did a chin-up.” Hehe, little did he know…  YHC asked if he wanted to do more and Drebin replied, “Sure”…

100 Skull Crushers – that was a doozy.  Why?  Because in July of 2022, the exercise of the month for #50ForFitness was skull crushers and apparently we were doing 50 in cadence.  I know by the end of the month LY (maybe by mid-month) I was doing all 50 IC without stopping.  Today, we paused twice.  After 30, then after 13 more, then finished the final 7.  No doubt YHC coulda done all 50 at once, but ya know – the pax…

It was determined that Hasselhoff is busier in retirement than when he was working/teaching.  Yet he happened to mention he was watching The Price Is Right just yesterday…  Nice call-out, Tammy Faye!

T-Claps to ‘Hoff who has been the MQ for Samson for years.  He’s not even sure how long – since pre-COVID (so that’s like, 19 years right?).  Samson Suicides is a legit thing with a cult following and many epic beatdowns and events have taken place at Samson in the past 4 +/- years under ‘Hoff’s watch.  Much thanks to him for that.  Today ‘Hoff announced yet another retirement.  He’s retiring as MQ.  He required all pax to pull out our driver’s licenses and the pax living closest to the AO would be the next MQ if the F3 SLT were to approve.  So we shall submit that YHC will be the next MQ and see if that flies – the SLT may determined YHC’s prior experiences at The Wilderness and Cauldron not worth repeating.  If they accept my application, I will serve with pride and honor.
