Sandbags and KBs and Rucks, oh my

7 got it done using sandbags and kettlebells this morning at Thunderdome.  4 strolled the greenway loop for ~ 2.5 – 3 mile run standard.  1 showed up for the standard, but made a tactical retreat after realizing he had become patient zero overnight.  Here’s how it all went:


Circle up in the rear of the church

SSH x 50 IC

Cotton Picker x 15 IC

IST x 15 IC

Arm Circles (Girl Fight)

8 Count Body Builders x 10 IC (Rucks On)


For those who read the preblast and brought their rucks, all exercises performed rucks on.

7 Stations set up, AMRAP until farmer carrying Pax returns, then switch to next station:

Quadrephilia up the hill with sandbag

Sandbag clean & toss

Alternating bicep curls with 25lb KBs

KB Swings – Pax choice of 35 or 45lb KB

Sandbag Squats

Alternating Sandbag reverse toss over shoulder

45lb KBs Farmer’s Carry around church


Low Flutter x 30 IC (holding ruck straight up)

Sit-ups w/ ruck or weight on feet x 20 OYO

Crunchy Frog x 10 IC

Low Flutter x 20 IC (while chest pressing ruck)

Monkey Humpers x 20 IC


  • Great work this morning by everyone, especially Red October and Ramrod, each of whom completed a GR event this past weekend.  Strong showing despite recovering.
  • Happy to see TBC come out this morning and work out some aggression.  Know you’ve been wrestling with some stuff, I was glad to here you laughing throughout the workout.
  • Haven’t caught up with Jimmy O for a while, so it was great to see him out there this morning too.  Just shows up, knocks it out, and goes home.  Just plain strong.  And your welcome for the Farmer Carries.  
  • Cajun Cowboy, the silent beast.  I don’t remember you saying a whole lot this morning, but you were definitely getting after it.  Nice work.
  • Don Ho, you’re a stud.  Strong work this morning for sure, and thanks for not busting out a 7 minute pace for the Standard.  No, really, thank you.
  • Prayers up for Jedi, you’re nuts for actually posting this morning and making it to the end of the parking lot before punching out.  If you felt half as bad as you looked (no offense), you must have been feeling like a straight up dumpster fire. 
  • The mumblechatter was strong, the Pax were stronger, the KBs & sandbags didn’t stand a chance.  You guys are what make my Monday mornings awesome.  Thanks for coming out and getting stronger with me.  See you again in the gloom shortly.
