Sans Running

Event Date

Dec 29, 2020

FNG was Oberon

Five men came out to the Quarry for the last Tuesday workout of the year, and one that de-emphasized running. This is their story.


Basketball tabatha drill, Toy Soldier, Windmill and Carrot Pickers

The Thang

HIIT Exercise- High Intensity Interval Training – 45 secs of as many reps of the following exercises as possible followed by 20 secs of rest, then 45 secs of the next exercise, 20 secs of rest, repeato, repeato, etc., etc….

1. Mercans

2. Burpees

3. Squats

4. High Knees

5. Decline Mercans

6. Lunges

7. Plank

8. Mountain Climbers

9. Calf Raises

10. Sprints  – Diamond mercans instead since this was advertised as a Sans Running workout  

11. LBC's

12. CDD's

13. Apollo Anton Ono's

14. Incline Mercans

15. 6 Inches

16. Mason Twists

17. WWII's

18. Mercans

19. Burpees

20. Squats

21. High Knees

22. Decline Mercans

23. Lunges

24. Plank

25. Mountain Climbers

26. Calf Raises – Dips

27. Sprints – Diamond mercans instead (Sans Running)

28. LBC's

29. CDD's

30. Apollo Anton Ono's


  • The no running shoes needed pre blast was not any prejudice against any runners per se. Q has continuing calf issues that just don’t do so well with running these days. The fact that some of yooz run like gazelles truly had nothing to do with it

  • Since we are back to using the F3 website need to make sure everybody is registered on it. Will send out the info and steps to the newbies who may be affected

  • Last Back-Blast penned by yours truly was on March 17. Who could soon forget the “I’m so Irish….I Shyte Green” St. Patrick’s Day workout

  • May need to have a rebranding and/or renaming of the Boeing 737 Max

  • Q is a Peloton person now. I do hope we can still hang out

  • Unsolicited feedback from Monday’s workout included words to the effect that it may have been the closest one felt to dying at any workout ever.

  • May have to host the in-laws for future LBC holidays

  • When you find yourself in Captiva, do try the fire shrimp sauce with dipping bread. It burns both ways.

  • As a lifelong Bills fan, I am conditioned to eventually be dissapointed. Just give it some time

  • Does the resort have an all-inclusive camping option?

  • Prayers lifted up for Natty’s Dad who has a host of ongoing medical issues

  • Five shining points of MILF3 Light for 2021:

    1. Bringing back the Back-Blast

      • We went off the books back in March to support the stay at home order. We never came back on the books

      • Back-blasts have a lot of benefits including but not limited to 1) accountability, 2) capturing workout stats and attendance for tracking purposes, 3) allowing others who were not there to follow along and understand the seemingly odd references that may come up in the next workout, and 4) capturing in the written record any fine mumblechatter nuggets during the workout that otherwise would be lost forever.

      • However, we really don’t want the back-blast requirement and expectation to be burden on the Q’s who are already volunteering their time and expertise to the workouts. So we will instead look to do a skinny back-blast just to include 1) who was there and 2) who shart their pants during the workout and 3) any other relevant workout info you want to include

      • In the “do as I say but not as I do” department, my back-blasts may go a bit beyond this template since my anger management consultant thinks that this written form of expression is a positive and creative release for me. So my workouts will still always include some sort of theme (which may or may not actually relate to the workout) as well as some creative and definitely Natty storytelling. To be clear, I have always been a bit extra in pretty much everything I do, so this approach is definitely not the expectation for all.

    2. Recruiting more people to F3

      • There are men in the community who are in need of this, and some may not live near us or look like us.

      • We should work to try and get the word out to get more people to come out

      • Interested to hear peoples thoughts and ideas on furthering this

    3. Getting more people to Q

      • Continuing with the theme of not placing too high a burden on the Q’s, we would like to try and get some more rotation into different Q’s leading the workouts

    4. Getting out to other F3 workouts

      • There are a lot of great things happening across the Lake Norman F3 region.

      • I am as guilty as anyone about not really venturing out beyond MILF3 too often

      • While weekdays may be a challenge, and there is a pandemic to consider, we may try and get out to some other workouts in the coming year

    5. Addressing a need in the community

      • This one is more of a personal challenge, but we can also work together on it as a group

      • Try and identify a need that your community has. Look for ways to address this need

      • Also interested to hear other folks thoughts and ideas on this

  • Although I'm mad with power, this MILF3 group is a democracy, so am intereted in everyones thoughst and input

  • Great Work Men!!!!