Save Michelle!

Event Date

Dec 08, 2018


6 men took advantage of the calm before the storm (Diego) and put in some work.



10 IC Windmills

10 IC Front Lunges

10 IC Mountain Climbers

10 IC Merkins

We lost our resident tire, Michelle, a few months ago and we've never fully recovered from her loss.  Recently, I went on a search of the woods to find her.  So, good news and bad news for the PAX.  Good news – I found her.  Bad news, she is 100 yards down the trail in a ravene.  

Mosey to Michelle.  2 men roll/carry Michelle up the hill out of the ditch, others bear crawl behind. Swap men until we put her back in her rightful home.  She is now there for our workout pleasure. 

Indian Run to the Clubhouse – Last man drops for 3 Merkins/Sprint to the front.

Clubhouse Carousel:


1: Runs the Clubhouse Carousel

2: Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear Repeats


1: Runs

2: InchMERKINworms


1: Runs

2: Burpees

Mosey to Tennis Court Hill

1: Plank Walks up the hill

2: Rock Curls

Repeato then swap partner exercises

1: Dragon Walk up the hill

2: Trifectas

Indian Run back to AO/Drop 3 Merkins



10 IC Heels-2-Heaven

:30 American Hammer


I kept hearing the song by Elevation Church:  O Come To The Alter this week.  In the song, there is a line that stuck out to me more than others.  It says, "Bear your cross as you wait for the crown."  It got me thinking.  I don't bear my cross enough.  I'm too quick to complain.  To give up.  To let others take the burden.  I need to own the hard stuff more.  I need   to bear my cross like he did.  God gives us crosses to bear every day.  At work, play, workouts, family life, etc.  Are we shedding the responsibility to others?  Through bearing your crosses you get stronger.  You are able to handle things when then get in front of you again.  Sometimes you'll need to bear the cross of others and yours.  He bears our cross for us every day.  It's the least we can do.  Stop expecting the crown to come easy.  It doesn't.


 – Great start to the weekend.  An 8 mile run with Dandelion in the cold gloom.  No beautiful sunrise this round, but a good old grind of a run prior to F3.  Kind of cool seeing all the Christmas lights along the way.  Dandelion is putting in work.  Inspiring.

 – Strudel makes his way back from what must have been an awful experience at Mustang on Friday.  He was all giddy to get started!

 – Metrodog was in rare form today.  Complaints and "suggestions" were plentiful.  And he tried to steal the Q several times.  And he has no idea how to do a plank walk.

 – Cheetah and Shirley left YHC in their wake each carousel run.  I knew I was in trouble when Shirley took off his beanie and started to smile and giggle under his breath.

 – Fabio and Abrams SMOKED the Huntersville Half this morning.  Major Props

 – Great coffeeteria after with the boys of Mustang.  Apparently, they work out on Saturdays too!  (Probably just soccer)

 – Pleasure leading and being led by you fellas.