Savor the workouts before AO changes happen

YHC has heard that Lake Forest Church will be expanding its building.  And that this will impact the parking lot, which will potentially have a ripple effect on other aspects of the Lake Forest AOs, which are The Sword on Monday, Samson on Thursday, The Foundry on Friday.

Hopefully this is known to everyone and you are not reading it here first?  Timelines are unclear, and may change, but have heard “soon ish” mentioned.

Therefore, it would seem, we should savor the workouts we have left before the AOs undergo changes.  Explore the land, etc.  With that in mind, here is how it went down today:

0455:  Don Ho helped YHC carry 4 airplane tires from the woods to the parking lot.  Believe they weigh 44 pounds each, ish.

0500:  2.5 mile #RunStandard with Don Ho, Frogger, Lego, Mini Me, Pop Tart, and YHC.

0530:  Quick mosey including high knees, butt kickers, and Quadraphilia to the front of the parking lot, stopping by the path in the woods.

Quick disclaimer?  No, probably forgot this.  #Cobains.


  • Bear Crawl through the woods a bit.  This is farther than you would think!  So we stopped for:
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Lunge walk a bit further.  Stopped again for:
  • Soybean Farmers x 10 IC
  • Mosey to the escalating pull-up bars
  • Over the bars x 1

Grab a cinder block and return to the parking lot.

The following was dubbed our “Primer” for each subsequent series:

The Primer – we’ll do this to warm up before each station:

  • Lay your block on the ground flat.
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • 10 Incline Mericans on your block OYO
  • Sideways jumps over the block x 15 OYO
  • Block swings x 20 OYO
  • 10 Decline Mericans on your block OYO
  • 5 Burpees OYO

Leg Series:

  • Partner up.
  • Partner 1:  Quadraphilia the width of the parking lot and back.
  • Partner 2:  Slow deep block squats, getting low enough to hit your partner’s block with your backside, AMRAP
  • Flip Flop and repeato.
  • Everybody:  25 1-quarter turn jump squats OYO
  • Everybody:  Monkey Humpers x 10 IC

The Primer:

  • Lay your block on the ground flat.
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • 10 Incline Mericans on your block OYO
  • Sideways jumps over the block x 15 OYO
  • Block swings x 20 OYO
  • 10 Decline Mericans on your block OYO
  • 5 Burpees OYO

Back / Shoulder Series:

  • Get into 3 groups of roughly equal size.
  • Group 1:  Zamporini carry the tires the width of the parking lot and back.  This group is “the timer” for the others.
  • Group 2:  Using the hockey sticks, bent over rows with 2 blocks x 20 OYO
  • Group 3:  Hand release Mericans x 20 OYO
  • Rotate until everyone performs the exercises in all three groups
  • Repeato all three

The Primer:

  • Lay your block on the ground flat.
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • 10 Incline Mericans on your block OYO
  • Sideways jumps over the block x 15 OYO
  • Block swings x 20 OYO
  • 10 Decline Mericans on your block OYO
  • 5 Burpees OYO

Core Series:

  • Put all the blocks down in a circle, leaving room on the outside.
  • Sideways plank walk around the entire circle (clockwise)
  • Return cinder blocks and tires to woods.  (Because YHC was smoked).  Back to a grassy area in the parking lot for:
  • 1 minute AMRAP of this thing I saw on FaceBook.  Show to know.
  • 1 minute AMRAP of another thing from FaceBook.  It was hard but I can't describe it.
  • LBCs x 20 IC
  • Elbow plank for 1 minute.

Recover, recover.  We covered about a mile total, according to my Garmin.


  1. Happy Easter gentlemen.
  2. Prayers for Olaf's mom, who is in the hospital.  Also, Respect!
  3. Over Budget, not quite a "Respect" yet (he's 49) showed some impressive work on the escalating pull up bars.  Not sure, he may have slipped at first.  So, he removes the gloves, then crushes it.  Strong work.
  4. Really enjoyed the #RunStandard today.  Nice pace, everyone stayed together.  We discussed, among other things:  A) Toyota Camrys with 214k miles on them B) Sprints should be avoided (Looking good today Frogger, despite recent Sprint injury!  My man ran a race after a Grade 2 Tear or something painful sounding) C) Undercarriages?  Um, on cars that is.
  5. Coffee-teria afterwards, with some of the Odyssey crew, really completed a great morning.
  6. Lego and Pop Tart are training to run a 10k in under 45 minutes.  You guys are going to crush that by a country mile.
  7. Omar and others showed their strength by tossing the tires over 10 yards and knocking down the poor hockey sticks.
  8. Swing State completed 66% of this workout with only one good shoulder.  #Beast
  9. Mini Me keeps everyone accountable to good form.  And the mumble chatter is what makes for a great time, aye buddy.
  10. Burner crushes every workout because he is a strapping beastly athlete.  He also suggested YHC go back to MySpace for workout ideas, ha.
  11. Don Ho has the Q at his AO next week.  It will not be easy.  Check out the workout from last time he Q'd The Foundry, link below.  OUCH.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead today buddy.  Enjoyed every second.

Every day I work out with F3 guys is a blessing.  Some days, I leave with an even heightened sense of gratitude and amazement at these guys.  Today was one of those days for me.  Aye gentlemen, Happy Easter.
