23 Men said Turn Down for What? and went against their better judgment and concsious to post at #TheMightyOak.  There would be multiple #BS calls and questions if they actually showed up at #HalfLife.  

Warm-Up:  "Say Geronimo"  We listened to this song and did M'ktar D'jai to the "Say Geronimo" part; Merkins to the "Bombs Away"

Thang:  Run .5 up to the Wilderness Time Clock doing pain stations along the way. Think we did squats, burpees, and maybe LBC's on the way up.

Time Clock:

Partner A:  Sprint around the clock

Partner B:  25 merkins 


Partner A:  Sprint around the clock

Partner B:  40 low flutters (I really can't remember)


Partner A:  Sprint around the clock two times

Partner B:  15 burpees


Mosey back to the school with pain stations along the way

Jolly had the 6 and missed a few here and there.

Shoulder Touch merkins x 10 (Jolly)

Plank Jacks x 15 (Calypso)

LBCs x 15 (Eeyore)

Slow Flutters x 20ish (Travolta)

Back 2 School

3 Rounds of Sprints

We'll give round 1 to Auto, round 2 to Ty Webb, and Jollly or Cheat C, I mean Sweet C won the last one.

Scraptasical Moleskin:

1.  Respect Binary and Olaf.  Good to see you men.  Binary looks bionic these days.  I didn't know you could gain muscle after 50.  Must be getting the "good stuff" from Elite Fitness or maybe C-Note.  

2.  Jolly and Calypso did the Standard and got in a total 5 miles with this workout.  So, we probably did about 2.5 total today.  Nice work and good to see you men.  Calypso's bald head was steaming.  Compliments to the Q, like burping after a good meal.  

3.  As we passed Travolta's house, not knowing he was running right next to me, I called for the PAX to wake him up.  He responded something crazy.  #GYMR and do the HEAVY.  How many times must a MAN prove himself?  Just one more time.  

4.  Auto and Ty Webb were pulling the PAX today and itching to break loose.  Very impressed by your fitness levels.  Jenny looked unphased by the hill as well.  Strong work. 

5.  You men dug deep for the sprints at the end.  Keep pushing.  Very inspiring. Aye Ultraman.

6.  Sweet C is sneaky.  

7.  Jolly is jolly. 

8.  Bam Bam was missed. 

9.  Ditka and Caboose look like dopplegangers in the dark.  Or maybe I need glasses?  Probably both. The Geek looks like you men too. What's going on?

Share F3 with your neighbor.  Give this gift to somone for Christmas. 

