Say “No” to the Fast Food Mayonnaise

Nine Davidson Pax including Bubbles (not listed) set out at 5:15am sharp from the Village Green, headed for the back of Baker Sports Complex.  After a quick warm-up there, we did a variation of "The First 48":

Complete 48 pullups, 48 dips, 48 pushups,4-6 runs down stairs, across field, 48 squat jumps, run back.

Two options given to pax:

Do 4 sets X 12 reps of each exercise with a longer run in between, or 

Do 6 sets X 8 reps with a shorter run in between

Most chose the 4X12 option, and even though a guy named after a mixture of fast food mayonnaise, relish & ketchup questioned YHC's Q-ing and logic, the 6X8 group finished simultaneous with the 4X12s.  #luckyorgoodQing?

Next we went to the front of Baker for some Wall Work:

2 sets Double Squat Box Jumps (squat and jump, squat and jump – up two level section of wall) X10

Incline merkins X10, decline merkins X10, LBC X15, Incline Diamonds X8, decline diamonds X6, LBCs X15 (almost forgot these but again Fast Food Mayonnaise reminded me…)

Next we headed to the Stadium for:

5X up and down, 1 fast lap around track, then stadium snake (only time for 1/2 snake)

Ran back to Green for Mary:  LBC, Lo Flutter, J-Lo – out of time!



Special Sauce, aka Fast Food Mayonnaise, aka Isotope Nantan, was especially "Saucy" today, but he's just keeping YHC honest…and I need it.  At one point he even suggested I go back to Q-school, but that would require listening to Crude's jokes again! In all seriousness, we love having SS as a regular in Davidson.  His Prius just came in and once we get the Bernie sticker attached, we'll present it to him at a workout! 

Hats off to OBC, who ran a PR 1/2 Marathon this weekend at 1:43.  That's like 7:50 min/mile. All those Arnold Palmers and Seabiscuits paying off!  Now go have a real Arnold Palmer, spiked with a John Daley twist…

War Daddy Spanarkel gets stronger every workout.  Bionic hip seems to be working nicely!

Gabby and his long legs keep getting faster.  YHC heard footsteps the entire 400 meters and then he blew us all away on the run back to the Green!

Thanks all for coming to the AES!  I am thankful every time I get to lead.