Say what? A Turbo Dingo Tag Team

Event Date

Apr 16, 2018


Turbo and Dingo took a tag team approach this am.  Inspired by Jazzhands we did a modified fun with heavy thingies before coffee and third F.  Beatdown went like this:

4:45 Turbo says "Magnus said he was going to be hear.  Dingo " we will wait 1 more minute' promptly mangus pulls up.  4:46 Dingo says "Eeyore said he was coming but I dont think he will make it, let's go" 

Warm up mosey, but kickers, high knees, regular, circle up.  4:48 Eeyore enters stage left.  Our group grows by 50% after the start of the work, a consequence of starting at 4:45 on a monday

More warm up excercises, side straddle hop, imperial storm trooper, windmill, arm circles, toy soldier, merkins, mountain climbers.

A few pax pick up heavy thingies while others run a couple parking lot circles as we move to the foundain.  On the benches we did dips, declines, dips inclines & step ups then moved to the parking lot ramp.  More heavy thingies await the pax.  One person was the timer, quadraphilia up the ramp, 5 burpies, lap around the top and back down.  We rotated being the timer and doing the following excerises with weights curls, skull crushers, swings, mason twist, chest squats. Next we partnered up, one partner did the uadraphilia up the ramp, 5 burpies, lap around the top and back down while the other did a weighted excercise:  Curls,Chest press, Skull crushers, then flapjack then rotate.  Once completed we found some benches on our way back for more dips, declines, dips inclines.  Made it back to the beatiful new grass and did many crunchy frogs and 5 more bupries for good measure.  Concluded at 5:33 to make sure everyone got a full workout in.  

Tubro then took the lead inside with coffee and things started looking up.  He based his lead on a few pages out of what he said is a great book Magnus led him to 'Lead your family like Jesus', see the link for an excerpt

Great discusion on the awesome responsibility it is being a father and how we all fail, we can't do it all right but how can we be engaged, find the forgivess we recieve as believes to be a motivator for us to contiually try knowing we can do it perfectly.  It was great to hear from everyone with different age children and different roles in the family and their perspectives.  A few ramdom notes below from the discussion that won't do Tubo's lead justice but will give an idea of what was discussed.  Some great quotes and verses to read and take a minute to ponder.  Thanks to this amazing group, I am grateful for each of you!  

Am I walking or talking
Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything…
Been there but have I been present -superficial/ Went to everything but was I really there?
John 13:3-17
EGO-move from edge God out to exalting God only
Romans 12:3
