SBB: Russian Collusion & the F3 Gears – 8 Steeps Route

Event Date

Jul 13, 2018

Also present, Cock Pit. 

Good morning F3 LKN. We rolled 6 deep out of TPR to tackle a quick tour of Das Boot's 8 Steeps Route. This is a great route to get some climbing work done in a short period of time. Thanks again for Das Boot for leading the group!

A few notes from today. 

Is it just me, or is Calypso challenging Dallas to become the F3 Gears rookie of the year? He is already on his 2nd bike after about 10 rides and his pushing and pulling and taking PR's like nobody's bidness. 

What is most impressive was Calypso's passionate address to the mayor of the TPR No Fun Run Club, Duvall. I am paraphrasing, but barely. Calypso said, ahem, "I'll tell you right now, there is no comparison. Cycling is by far superior to running in every single measurable category." It was so genuine and passionate that Duvall did not even have a snarky response. It was a special moment. I may have tinkled in my Chammy a little bit. Just a little. 

So, on to Russian Collusion. (Capitalized because it is a real thing and will be a big part of history books one day)

During last years push to raise money for the Bike MS ride, I noticed a HUGE impact was made on fundraising through facebook. I raised almost 80% of my funds during the first day, about $1,200 or so. This year, I am noticing that the donations are not rolling in through Facebook as they have in years past. Now this is not a controlled study, and there are a lot of variables to consider, but my guess is that significantly fewer people are seeing the posts and it is Trump's fault. 

If you have been watching the news, you know that Facebook has changed their algorithm that controls the news feed. This is going to make fundraising a little tougher this year, so we will need to get out ahead of that early and get creative. 

In summary, President Donny is negatively impacting our ability to raise money for MS. 

We roll again Sunday at 0600 and the early conversations on slack indicate a 25ish and a 45+ish route. 



Swamp T. 

