13 citizens entered into the gloom of the LFC parking lot for a grand ole time of 'good v evil.' You be the judge.
Snapon doesn't seem to be on the site. Apologies if I somehow missed you brother.
First up, Loop:
5:28 chatter and banter about Limberger's challenge to step back up. Preliminary and preventative apology and #disclaimer.
5:30 struck and we were off.
Mosey here, Mosey there.
A little push, a little pull.
Wander here, wander there.
A little bendy, a little stretchy
Banter on the importance of the election upcoming. One Supreme Court Justice to be filled with this election for sure, 2 others likely to be named within the next presidency or two. These are LIFELONG positions, so the weight and importance of this election is paramount for ours and future generations for multiple reasons.
Thang #1. WIB called S.O.J. or the 'scales of justice.'
For those of you without google at those nubs of fingertips:
"The scales of justice is a symbol used in many Western presentations of modern law. They symbolize the idea of the fair distribution of law, with no influence of bias, privilege or corruption."
That big ole parking lot didn't see it coming.
Each tier of the parking lot were solo and you v you as follows from both ends… you know, to even the scales.
Mosey between each exercise and head to the next row after each set.
There are 6 parking rows, so:
Row 1: 10 merkins
2: 10 burpees
3: 10 Squats
4: 10 merkins
5: 10 burpees
6: 10 squats
Next up, the good Dr. Evil took the reigns. We had to go back to where we came from, so:
Partner carry to and fro, with leg throw downs for each on each end of the parking lot.
Partner carry to and fro, with leg throw downs for each on each end of the parking lot.
Next up, head to the blocks.
Curls IC x 20 (what?!?)
Skull Crushers IC x 20 (double what?!)
Staggered offset merkins IC x 10 on each side
Staggered offset merkins IC x 10 on each side
Mosey back to the parking lot for 5 minutes of Mary
Mason Twist
Recover Recover
Moleskin/Dear Diary:
1) Linburger, thanks for the opportunity to lead and for the challenge to step it up.
2) Thanks to Dr. Evil for co-qing with me this morning. Definitely need ya buddy. Respect!
3) Great to see Soprano and Rambo representing this morning. Thanks for coming out gents.
4) SSh's were absent today, seems they were missed
5) Banter quickly dissapated once the S.O.J. began. The above is listed out of order, but that's not what matters.
6) You v. You has been a challenge for my mindset going into each workout recently. I'm not as young or fit as I once was and the rebound doesn't happen over night.
7) I leave you with something I read earlier this week. "We didn't get all this way to stop where we are today."
I count it a privilege to be a part of this group of men. Make today count!