scamp·er /’skamp?r/ verb; run with quick light steps, especially through fear or excitement.

YHC woke this morning to an urgent 5 am text from the one and only Shaken, with the question that was on everyone's mind: "Will you be keeping the pax dry this morning?" (to which I replied with an appropriately ambiguous .gif).  The reality of the situation is that the pax' ultimate dryness depended upon the pax' abiilty to scamper.  The faster and more judicious the scamper, the dryer the pax.  

The pax gathered under parking deck 1 to commence a scampering warmup.  We scampered to parking deck 2, then to the theater cover, then to parking deck 3, then to parking deck 4, and finally back to parking deck 1.

Suitably warmed, we commenced the official "Scamper" which ultimately was designated as a "ladder" by Crocs who received divine revelation about half-way through.

Scamper to deck 2 for 20 squats.  Scamper to theater for 20 hand-release Merkins. Scamper to deck 3 for 20x lbc.  Scamper to deck 4 for mobility moment.  Scamper back to deck 1 for kettle bells.  Repeato scamper for 19 reps.  Repeato scamper for 18 reps.



1.  Welcome to Caesar for his first Berean, and welcome back to Big Mo who has been on extended hiatus.

2.  Carpet Bagger is back after Covid-quarantine, and is planning a big birthday lasagna and broga evening at Night Ranger.

3. Dingo and Big Mo seemed to be relatively soaked from some sort of pre-Berean standard.

4.  Shake got just a bit damp, but only a bit.  Breakfast at his house after the Turkey Trot.

5.  Canuck opined that this was not a normal Berean offering, so he joined in the abnormality as well by scampering up many stairs.

6.  Crocs was scampering wildly.

7.  Jimmy O announced the yet-to-be-named gathering on Wednesdays at 0530-0615 hrs at the exit 28 Starbucks which will simply be an opportunity for the pax to share anything that is weighing on their hearts and lives, and to listen to others do the same.

8.  All told we got about 2 miles, burned a bunch of pre-Thanksgiving calories, got some strength, mobility and laughs.  A good time was had by all and there was much rejoicing.

GG sends.