Scary Estate

Event Date

Dec 19, 2015

First off, I was apalled at all those who ran away from this workout, I won't name too many names, but Special Sauce and those who attended Excelsior should feel a bit of shame…


Here is the story of the 5 brave souls who felt up to the challenge


Run around lower loop

Bear Crawl 

Snake the hill

Warm up:


Mountain Climber X 15

Man Maker Merkin X 15

Toy Soldier X 15

Jump Squat X 10

5 Burpees oyo

Windmilll X 15

Go time:

One Lap around track and back to shelter

Balls to the wall!

Grab a partner.

P1 10 pull ups, over the fence, under the playground, 15 dips, back over the playground to the concrete for 10 burpees

P2 starts with 10 burpees, follows P1, every time once partner catches the other – 10 merkins to he who was passed

Repeato! Repeato! Repeato!

Indian run to the top far side of school

Balls to the wall

Peoples Chair (first round touch dem heels, second round air press)


mosey to trash area – new partner

Partner pleaser X 15

Run to basketball hoop, touch it, partner carry back

flip flop


Mosey to track

4 corners

WW2 situp X 10 (tantrum)

Mason Twist X 15 (professor)

LBC X 15 (Elmers)

up-downs (Landshark)



Catch and Throw X 10

Box Cutter X 15

Elbow Plank

LBC X 20

Elbow Plank



Solid work out there today gentleman.  The partner race didnt' work as well as I'd planned, I'll adjust and try again in the future.  Welcome back to Andrew King aka Elvis, I'd say these workouts get easier, but that might be a lie, you just get better at dealing with it.  Ask Elmers about the war daddy perrogative… 

Some real interesting accents out there. Although the mumble chatter reports that everyone that sings sounds american, that certainly can't be said of counting.  Professor had an english then aussie style going.  Landshark went irish, which was the first time I've heard him use that accent during a workout, typically that's only heard toward the end of parties.  Enough said on that. Thanks all for joining, hope you are glad you made it out, as it was my pleasure to lead a workout with such a group.