Scary Pax Scaring Pax

Event Date

Mar 14, 2022

0430 – 1st alarm goes off, hit snooze

0454 – Slept through all the other alarms, text Mr. Holland to launch standard without me.

0524 – Pull in and the Dingo, Auto, Poptart, and Mr. Holland return from the standard. Poptart said he had to get to work. Auto asked if I was Qing and then ran away with tears in his eyes. 

0530 – circle up and wait for Big Montana to return from his solo standard


  • IST x 15 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC
  • SSH x 25 IC

Mosey to the bridge

The Thang

Bear crawl across the bridge

  • Low flutter x 25 IC

Lunge walk back halfway, bear crawl the other half. Repeato.

  • Low flutter x 25 IC

Mosey to the grassy knoll from some 11s. Run to the top, 10 burpees, run back down, 1 squat. Continue until 1 burpee and 10 squats. This was a gasser.

Mosey to pull up bars

  • 5 Pull-ups OYO
  • 10 merkins OYO

Do this 8 times.

Mosey to launch


  • LBC x 15 IC
  • Gas Pumps x 15 IC
  • Jane Fonda x 10 IC (each side)
  • One-Leg Glute Bridge x 10 IC (each side)
  • Freddy Mercury x 15 IC
  • Plank for 60 seconds

Recover. Recover.


  • Apparently, YHC's workouts are just too scary for the pax. Poptart made up some mumbo jumbo about needing to go to work but was clearly trembling.
  • Auto really did run away. His sobs can still be heard throughout Birkdale.
  • DonHo was so scared, he didn't even show up.
  • Great to see Perrier for the 3rd time in 7 days. Putting in the work!
  • Dingo had to leave early but still got 55 burpees, 25 pull ups, and 50 merkins in.
  • Big Montana crushed it quietly today and decided to do even more running afterwards.
  • Mr. Holland tried to mumblechatter but then the burpees got him. Also he likes to yell at children.
  • Tuffy complained at first but then decided to crush it instead.

Thanks to the pax who weren't afraid this morning for showing up. And thanks to Tammy Faye for the opportunity to Q.


Until next time – CB