Scavenger Hunt with Prizes and Revelries

Event Date

Jan 31, 2019

9x of LKN's most adventurous showed at this 19F morning for a little Scavenger Hunt

Counted off by 2,

Team 1: Heisman, Ultraman, Black Bart, 9 Lives, and YHC. 

Team 2: Toxic, Peaches, IKEA, and Die Hard. 

Read off the rules, PAX stay together, do all the exercises at each stop, must go in order except for BONUS locations, the first team back gets 10 pts, and must be back by 555 for any points to count.  No pens were given so teams were going to have to use their noggin and remember the scavenger hunt answers. 

Teams went in the opposite order, but locations are as follows.

1. Queens Corner, Freddie Mercs x15ic.  What 5 digit # is on the Hugh Torance sign?  15600.  Both teams 5 points.

2. The Beach/Waterfall Park. Dips x20 oyo.  What is the title of the John Grisham book in the library?  Gray Mountain.  Team 1 got there first and flipped the book around so it would be harder to find.  Team 2 found it none the less. Both teams 5 points. 

3. Clock Tower / Pool parking lot.  Merkins x20 ic.  What is PAINTED on the light pole at the back of the parking lot?  Actually, the light pole is painted black, but the STICKERS on it say 68.  Both teams 5 points. 

4. BONUS location, Hugh MacAulay/Stumptown intersection. SSH x15 ic. What word is on the small wooden sign with 2 arrows?  GREENS . Both teams 10 points.

5.  Grand Oak Elem, front door.  Leapfrog burpee over x10 balls.  Name and # on green spirit rock in front of the entrance?   Actually, there are two rocks but only one is green.  Ethan 6.  Both teams 5 points. 

6.  Stumptown / Hugh Torance Pain Clock. Cacalaki chu chu, x2.  # of yield triangles painted on the ground at each traffic circle entrance. 4.  Both teams 5 points. 

7. BONUS.  St. Marks 1st building.  Low Flutter x15 ic.  Name and # painted on the spirit rock? Juan 8.  Team 1 went for the bonus points and got 10.  Team 2 said forget that St. Marks hill and kept going.  

8. BONUS.  St. Marks main entrance at Red Light.  IST x15 ic.   Name of the church on the small ad sing at the corner.  Journey Church.  Odd that another church would advertise right in front of St. Marks, but oh well.  Team 1 went for the BIG 20 bonus points and got it for the bonus double down.  Team 2 was probably looking for John Grisham's hidden book about now, as I had this suspicious feeling that someone was cussing me out somewhere.  

9. High Torance / Sagefiled intersection.  Touch them heels x15 ic.  The number of trees in median next to MacAulay sign.  8.  Team 2 gets 5 points.  Team 1 blows by trying to get back to the clubhouse on time.

10. BONUS.  Sagefield Park.  Burpees x5 oyo.  What times are on the "No Trespassing" signs at the park?  11p – 5a.  Good to know since The Wilderness starts at 0510.  Team 2 nails this 15 point bonus while Team 1 skips it for the RTB sprint. 

11.  Sidewalk at the midsection of Travolta Hill.  "The W" or since YHC was hoping Toxic would post, YHC also list the option of doing "Dot the i" x 15 ic.  What is on the mailbox at the corner of Hugh Torance / Almondell.  The AMERICAN FLAG, of course.  Team 2 gets 5 points while Team 1 can only blow by the location, admiring The Flag, but no time to stop since getting the clubhouse after 0555 means forfeiture of all points. 

12.  Pain Clock at top of Travolta Hill.  LBCs x 15 ic.  # of yield triangles painted on the ground at each traffic circle entrance?  5, unlike 4 at the other traffic circle.  Team 2 racks up another 5 points while Team 1 blows through another location, commenting on how these triangles are smaller than the other circle.  Someone makes a comment if we can "turn back time" to make it back before the deadline.  Funny thing, turning back time would only put us back towards St. Marks and farther from the finish.  Quite an enigma, a riddle wrapped with a conundrum.  

13.  Lucky 13, the first stop for Team 2 and Team 1 never having a chance at getting to it last.  Cul de Sac at the SOUTHEAST END of Glade Ct.  Glade Ct. has a cul de sac at both ends and a sidewalk that cuts through creating a significant shortcut, so going to the right one by the right route is paramount.  Merkin time Bomb from 5, next goes at 2nd merkin of guy next to him.  Question was " # of the house with driveway touching the sidewalk".  8509 Glade Court.  Team 2 claimed the answer was "1" driveway was touching the sidewalk, which while correct is not the "# of the house".  Part of the game is being vague in directions anyway.  No points awarded 

So, Team 1 rounds the corner into the clubhouse to see Team 2 kicking it to Suzanne Summers.  YHC makes a comment asking if they left at all?  Their answers proved, in fact, they had, as well as we saw them running past the Grand Oak.  

The tally?  Team 2 wins with a whopping 85 points including the 10 for getting back first.

Team 1 would have gotten 65 points including their 30 pt bonus double down runnig up St. Marks' hill, but coming at 0558 gets them no points. 

FYI, getting back first and hitting every location with correct answers, 120 points are possible. 

To the victor, goes the spoils!  You play games.  You win prizes. 

Each Team 2 PAX is awarded a brand new LED runner's Blinky light.  There is much revelry and rejoicing. 

There were enough of said Blinky's left over for x2 of the Team 1 Pax who didn't have one, Black Bart and Heisman. We got to keep it safe out there!


Special thanks to 9 Lives for his advice and guidance.  YHC tried NOT to copy his Tour De Wilderness but failed miserably.  Good thing you learn more and grow stronger when you fail.  What he may not remember is his Tour De Wilderness workout was my first FNG post back on April 14, 2016.  I really enjoyed it and was hooked!  This was the most fun and camaraderie I had experienced in a workout, ever.  Workouts in the military were so regimented, but this was actually entertaining.  Anyway, I was hooked on F3 and knew I would be back to do my own version of his workout someday.  So thanks to 9 Lives for making my first FNG post so memorable, and Toxic for the EH and getting me to post.   

So just remember when you are the Q and you have an FNG there that it could be all up to you to get him hooked and back for the next post, and the next.  You know what they say about first impressions.  

See you in the gloom!

Aye, TG