Scenic Hollywood Tour

FNG-1 = Scoop Shot

10 pax decided to get away from the bright lights and enjoy a more scenic Hollywood beatdown. So we took advantage of the greenway and took in all the humidity this morning had to offer. It went as follows:



  • IST x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC
  • Downward Dog
  • Merkin x 10 IC


Mosey to greenway by pond

Partner up. Dora 1-2-3. P1 performs exercise, P2 runs up hill and back down. Flapjack until complete required reps.

                1. 100 jump squats

                2. 200 wide arm merkins 

                3. 300 Ws

Mosey to footbridge

Same partners. P1 performs exercise, P2 bear crawls across bridge and back. Flapjack.

                1. CDDs

                2. Alternating lunges

                3. Dying cockroach

Mosey to back to first hill. 

  • Al Gore
  • THE Burpee
  • Burpee x 9 OYO
  • Parker Peter x 15 IC

Quadriphelia toward the bridge to the bench on greenway. Mosey back to hill by the theater. All pax lunge walk up hill. Mosey to launch.



  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Low dolly x 20 IC
  • Low flutter x 15 IC
  • Jane Fonda x 15 IC (each leg)
  • Homer to Marge



  • YHC had a short convo with the Birkdale security guard this morning. Apparently, Birkdale Village has a rule that shirts must remain on at all times. He mentioned some runners came through the Village yesterday morning and one guy got a little too defensive when told about the rule. I don't think it was one of ours, but there's no need to bark back fellas. The guy doesn't make the rules, he's just doing his job. Just say "sorry" and keep running.
  • 3 pax worked out in spite of their respective injuries (YHC, 98 Degrees, and Mr. Holland). Though I think Mr. Holland has it worse than us. Good luck at your doctor's appointment and heal up!
  • As Jersey Boy pointed out, bear crawls get really hard after you do a bunch of CDDs.

Thanks Deep Dish for the opportunity to lead. Thanks to all pax for attending! Until next time – CB
