School Bells

Event Date

Jul 10, 2020

Kettlebell Workout 10 July 2020
Grandma Maters 
Toy Soldiers 
Farmer Walk  w/ bell to Pull-up Bars 

3 minute rounds:
KB Lunge x8 & Goblet Squat x 8
Battle Rope x 80 & KB swing x 8 
KB snatch x 8 & Chest Press x 8
Pull Up x8 & Wall Ball x 8
SA Suitcase carry swap 1/2 way

Finisher – Tug of War 

Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.
1 Peter 3:7 

The first two areas are areas I need to focus.  Understanding my wife and honoring her.  As men our needs aren’t the same as our wives needs, I am no expert so I will stop here as far as explaining.  

Pay attention to what your wife asks for.  I have tried this week… example the photos of my kids I took.  I dread them because I can do pictures of objects, but I hate people.  Because I am not good, maybe it’s my pride, at getting them to pose I guess you could say.  But I did it and she’s proud and happy.  

In return she didn’t get mad when I shot her in the eye with a Nerf gun… fair enough right ? I