School patrol, one-armed bandits, eskimos, and Jersey’s nuts

Event Date

Sep 09, 2021


Well, I woke up this morning prepared to step into the gloom with little or no company, given that many pax were gathering for the IPC a little further down the road.  So my "plan" was to wing it if anyone showed up.  5 lucky guys rolled in, so I was not alone.  Actually, four lucky guys rolled in.  The fifth was apparently driving on the Jersey Turnpike running from the mob, as he came in hot, practically on two wheels in his Honda CRV, destined to hit our PAX circle and send human projectiles in every direction.  He turned at the last second though, and we were saved from our anticipated doom.  Jersey Boy — living up to his name.

With everyone gathered, we lowered our heart rates with some warm-up exercises, including SSH, IST, windmill, and long snapper.  We sauntered over to the wall for some calf stretches, praying mantis, and people's chair with air press and air curls.  Now confident that no other pax would be joining us, we moseyed out of the parking lot on a little adventure.  

At the corner by DD, someone complained about something (who knows what), so we did 10 jump squats.  Then with no school patrol to help us out, we risked our lives crossing 115, where we met up for 8 more jump squats due to more complaining.  Whiny bunch.  Oh, and did I mention that Stapler only had one good arm?  So there's that…

At the first set of steps we saw, I was hoping for a few more, and we were going to do some climbing mericans and then descend with dips on each step.  But it only had 4 steps.  So we moved up two and were going to do some step jumps.  Turns out those seem really dangerous (at least the way we were doing them), so YHC kept the safety of the pax in mind and called it off.  On the way to Cornelius Elementary, we paused a few times for squat jumps (6 then 4 then 2).   We hit the playground for some partner pull-ups and running (2 rounds each), then we lunge walked around the play structure.  Next up?  One-armed dips and incline mericans on the picnic benches.  

We then moseyed up to Catawba and across the street, stopping for mountain climbers and then continued on for a street light boogie with 10, 8,6,4,2 bonnie blairs (jump lunges).  Past the little park, we did some one-armed carolina dry docks, then crossed 115 again and into the Restore parking lot for pretzel crunches, W's, and dying cockroaches.  Moseying back to Antiquity, we stopped at points for Mericans and Mercuries.  Our last stop was at the train tracks, where we grabbed a small stone for one-armed shoulder press, curls, and tricep kickbacks.  Mosey back to launch, recover recover.


– Goat took us out with inspiration — thank you, Goat!

– I had 1.95 miles for the morning.  Good thing Canuck went to IPC (before coming to DD) — since we came up .05 short of his 2 mile running quota. 

– Jersey Boy still hasn't found his nuts

– Olive missed coffeeteria because he had to get his 2.0 to school to suit up for school patrol, keeping the rugrats safe while channeling his inner-Cartman (Respect my Authoritaye!)

– Stapler thinks it's extra punishment calling one-armed exercises, because he has to use the same arm twice.  But he's going to have such a gigantic left arm…  Like a crab.

– Coffeeteria ensued, where we determined that Mooresville Ultimate Frisbee teams may be anti-Eskimo, Goat is leading a 9-11 workout on Saturday (which led to some good 9-11 discussion), Hollywood learned what #Fretwell means, Canada is cool (in some places), and you can buy moonshine in a cave on the side of the road somewhere in PA/WV.

– I'm sure I missed some stuff.  Chime in if something stood out to you from this morning.  

– Thanks men – it was a great start to the day.
