SchoolBellz Roadshow

Event Date

Apr 03, 2018


Started with 5, then 6, 7, and ultimately 8 PAX enjoyed the lavish streets of SVU.


YHC pulls in to see a 53’ trailer in the AO lot…good my Kettle bell delivery made it on time

0529…6 min warning (he he)

Disclaimer, in case anyone mistakes me for a professional

0530 Let’s go


SSH (IC) x 5… cause they already do enough of these

Bat wings (IC) x 20 each, little arms forward, backwards, Seal then OH claps, big forward, and backward (it works if you follow the Q and keep your arms up)

Hillbillies (IC) x 15…#PAXFavorite

Toy Soldiers (IC) x 15

PAX are instructed to either mosey to playground to pick up a block or grab a bell.  For those that chose a bell they get to enjoy Bears & Blocks in the 2” dusting of pollen until the Block heads get back.  (Start with your bell at feet, move ahead of body, bear crawl ahead, rinse and repeat)

Now that we have everyone, grab your bell/block and indianish run to the top of the big hill Do a Dilly style.  Lead PAX drops and does 5 JDS (Just Do Somethings), when he catches up he yells “6” and the now lead PAX does the same.  Saw a combination of merkins, squats, curls, deadlifts, burpees, etc.)


50/10 Workout…50 seconds of exercises followed by 10 second rest.  All with block or bell.

Round 1



Big Boy Sit Up

Jailbreak Run out and back

Round 2

Skull Crushers

Alt. Lunges

Circle Up and pass your coupon to the left


Round 3…PAX came back to find a different coupon in their spot after the pass around which was a pleasant surprise.

Alt. Rows

Calf Raises



Round 4

Chest Press

Block Chair

Circle up and pass your coupon to the right


Round 5…new coupon again

Overhead Press

Toe Taps




Do A Dilly run back to Launchpad

The two PAX that now have the blocks return them to the back playground while the remainder Bears & Blocks the KB’s back to YHC’s ride.





2 Timothy 1:7

“For GOD has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

-The dread of danger, stress, and/or fear was not given to us by HIM but is a product of man.

-HE did instill power, love, and self-control which are tools, if we use them, to navigate this world.



In true SVU fashion, we ALL got started at 0535.  Which is interesting as most of the PAX live in the neighborhood?  In all seriousness though it is applaudable as it can be much easier to roll back over than to show up late. Tclaps to you men. #BetterLateThanNever

-The trailer taking up all the parking spaces made for some good banter whether Dandy could stop in time in his typical 2 wheel motion.

-SO MUCH POLLEN.  Thought with my preblast POTUS would have the street sweepers out early?

-Glad to have some Stang brothers make the visit!

-Plan was for those to push themselves and it worked.  50 seconds is longer than you think and the 10 goes quick.  And it was awesome to see the horses take off during the jailbreak.

-AO2AO Ruck Friday, April 13th.  Launching from SVU.  This is a fantastic 1st and 2nd F opportunity.  See Ziploc or myself if you have any questions.


Pleasure to be able to lead and to be led by you men.  We missed those that couldn’t make it for one reason or another.  Safe travels for any that are out of town this week