Schweddy Blocks

Event Date

Aug 12, 2017


4 non-vacationing, non-BRR-preparing, non-fart-sacking studs joined forces to get better this morning.  No concrete blocks were hurt in the running of this beatdown.

Warm up
20x SSH
15x Mtn climber
10x Windmill
10x Toy soldier
10x Merkin
10x Dippy bird, both sides
*** on the 1st Dippy Bird, Mulligan shrieks and grabs his hammy…DOH!…he is able to gingerly continue…

Pkg lot fun:
High knees + mosey back (+mb)
Buttkickers +mb
Bear crawl + crawl bear back
Karaoke  +mb, both sides
High skip  +mb
Burpee long jump
*** thanks to Mulligan for identifying the drive asphalt on the road, I almost had to skip this because the parking lot was so wet and would be slippery/dangerous…I'm sure Nittany and Frisbee were grateful too

Get 33# Schweddy blocks from the back

8-minute Scheddy Blocks Circuit #1
20 WW1
20 curls
20 squats
Repeato until 8-minute timer goes off
Almost finished 3 rounds.  #Schweddy

8-minute Scheddy Blocks Circuit #2
20 Ww2
20 block press
20 alt lunge
Repeato until 8-minute timer goes off
Almost finished 3 rounds.  #Schweddy

8-minute Scheddy Blocks Circuit #3
20 Lbc
20/12/15 trifecta
*** had to scale this one back, originally to 12, and then Mulligan guilted me back to 15 #AccountabilityPartner
20 side to side lunges
Repeato until 8-minute timer goes off
Frisbee finished 3 rounds.  The rest of us weren't too far behind #Schweddy

Back playground
*** originally planned to do this as a Filty 50, but time (and fatigue) did not allow it
20 box jumps
20 curls
20 jumping pull ups
20 block press
20 walking lunge steps
20 hanging rows
Trail run/mosey
***YHC was roasted, no energy left, every bit as tired as an hour run

Proverbs 19: 15
Laziness casts one into a deep sleep unmindful of lost opportunity,
And the idle person will suffer hunger.
• Easy to read this and thing about lazy, not working, no money, hunger.  My meditation on this verse prompted me to think about opportunities I may have missed by being lazy…or neglecting responsibility.  It isn't lack of knowledge.  I know what needs to be done, but I don't do it.  Why not? 
• Fear of failing?
• Fear of succeeding?
• Fear of looking foolish while I learn to do something well?
• These are some of my reasons.  What are yours?  Why are you not doing what you know(!) needs to be done?
• What opportunities are being missed?  Relationships that aren't as strong as you know they can be?  Prayer life seeking guidance not as strong as it should be?  Work not going as well as it should?
• just something to think about

* Oh, there were Schweddy Blocks today.  Such Schweddy-ness.
* Frisbee = stud
* follow up text to Mulligan confirms his hammy seems ok
* great 2nd F at Cabbellas to hear about the Running Boys exploits; they looked toasted

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Really an honor to do so guys.