Seven arrived to take out some aggression at the SVU fight club.FNG StrudelWARMUP25 IC SSH25 IC Mt Climbers10 IC Cotton PickersToday’s Fight ClubStation 1-2 – one person holding a yoga ball the other punching (person punching rotate to next station and person holding rotate to punching)Station 3-4 – one person holding a yoga ball the other punching (person punching rotate to next station and person holding rotate to punching)Station 5 – Curls with 20# dumbbells (roll shoulders back weight on one foot with other foot behind with ball of foot down for balance)Station 6 – Farmer carries 30# post driverStation 7 – Alternating plank row with 35# dumbbellRound timer was 2 minutes for each of 7 stations then REPEATO6 MoMStations 1-4 Renegade planks with 5# weight (2 stations for each arm)Station 5 Man Makers with 20# dumbbellsStation 6 Post drivers 30#Station 7 Alternating plank row with 35# dumbbellREFLECTIONNow faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.Hebrews 11:1 NIV times are tough hold this thought.MOLESKINE-The yoga ball was hard to hold again today, Schweddy! -Lots of love for the Man Makers, renegade planks and plank rows.-POTUS ran by to verify we were working…just keep running.-The PAX titled it Schweddy Balls Tuesday.YHC MetroDog