SCHWING! 16 Pax for Wednesday’s The Revolt Run!

16 Total Pax Showed to Know we were running the Schwing! route Wednesday morning.  

The Schwing! route is based on the Strava image of the route, but due to the number of turns, and in the true nature of The Revolt, several Pax 'revolted' and took different turns resulting in slightly different routes and distances.  

All came in right aroung 5 miles, with Captain Caveman & Shakespear winning with 6 miles after missing a turn.  

As a bonus, as we were running up Baker Dr. to Concord road, we saw a blaze of white heading out of town that turned out to be Garcia, and as an added bonus, once we were up on Concord Rd., YHC and others had a chance to say hi to Turncoat as he flew by us.  Always great to see those who successfully scale TPRoD's gates!  

Great effort and fellowship by all!