Scorching GAGA

Event Date

Aug 28, 2018


10 men of GAGA scorched the Birkdale Greenway enroute to crushing 6 x 1 mile intervals. Here is their story:



1 mile warm up

6 x 1 mile intervals w/ 400m active recovery

1 mile cool down

Recover recover



  • Wow, everyone laying down some fast times on this last interval workout before BRR…really strong work!
  • Smokey and Snoop rolled in about 7 minutes late but had no problem catching up
  • Code Browns caused a couple of the pax to run faster
  • Lego back on form after taking a bunch of time off…ridiculous
  • Hoodie told us he was gonna go low and then he went really low…BOOM!
  • Hey there's Auto…he does do intervals with us
  • Breakfast Club and Anchovy are basically honorary GBs at this point…falling right in on speed work
  • Snoopy, Smoke, and TC just keep on keeping on…just a lot faster than you keep on keeping on
  • Poptart had the foot pod rolling…for while…strong brother
  • Always a good morning at GAGA with the Goatbusters and friends. It has been a real pleasure to hit this training cycle hard leading up to BRR with all of you. Tempo Thursday concludes speed work for now. Thanks to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. Until the next time…