Scrappy Celebration at Slayer


Gather ye KBs and get ready to run with bells! 



A. SSH, 5 burpees, windmill


B. Partner Exercise 

Partner A 20 KBs swings, 20 curls

Partner B – Run to woods and back 

Partner A 20 Bent overs, 20 tricep

Partner B – Run 


C. Flutter with KB Press IC Ladder with burpees 10-8-6-4-2


D.  Four Corners interlude 

Partner A – goes left w KB 10 squat to press

Partner B – planks




Same sequence with 15 KB swings. 


E. Squat Press IC Ladder with burpees 



E.  Suicides 

Run 1st median

10 curls

Run 2nd median 

5 curls 


Round 2:  

6 one arm lifts 

3 one arm lifts 


Kosar 10 merkins IC 

Rico 15 one arm snatches both arms

Bam Bam – shoulder press suicide runs with burpee ladder.  





1.  Qbert is almost 30 and almost a new Dad.  Keep him lifted up! 


2.  Caboose gutted out the workout after making his pnemonia comeback! 


3.  Uncle Rico was in ALL RED sporting a George Bell for Judge shirt and running like a maniac with KB on his shoulder.  You ate your Wheaties this AM.  


4.  Gypsy brought the coffee and doughnuts and reminding me that I EH’d him! 


Boarhog took us out and nice to meet Wax!  Give it Away, Scrappy