Scrappy is 40! #Crickets

23 PAX celebrated YHC’s 40th birthday with a bang!  We brought out the DICE app on the trusty iPhone and here’s what happened….

40 Year Old Dash to the Top

warmorama in the basement 

The Thang: 

Roll the Dice and Sprint up one level and do various exercises.  Most reps were 18, 21, 24.  A few 13 rolls (Gray Ghost) and Bunyan hit 14 (burpees – shocker). 

We also did 100 burpee challenge. 

Partner 1 – Run to Gladiator babes and back

Partner 2 – 100 burpees 

More Dice for another ascension up the Pain Deck. 

COT – Zuul 


1.  23 men.  Wow I was overwhelmed to see so many PAX.  Thank you! 

2.  Lego and a few other gazelles ran a standard this AM.  Sound off.  You boys were sweating hard by 0525. 

3.  Vinegar Bend and I are both born on April 23, 1978!  Next year we are renting out the bowling alley and splitting a sheet cake.

4.  Kosar reminded us that the NFL Draft is in 24 hours and once again the Browns have the opportunity to gaffe the #1 pick! 

5.  Fescue promised no burpees at the Dragon Slayer tomorrow. 

6.  Bam Bam slept in.

7.  Bunyan loves burpees. 

8.  Carpetbagger who basically lives in DC now was back on jury duty only to get dismissed early and hence could make this workout.  Good to see you big brother.

9.  Spreader, relatively new, got a shot at calling cadence and led us in some CDD’s. 

10. Auto and LEGO brought the #mumblechatter which could be heard at low frequency throughout the workout.  Aye. 

11.  Caboose never misses one of my Q’s.  He follows the lighting.  The lightning And the thunder (Imagine Dragons song, Thunder).  

12.  Gray Ghost got BS calls for hand release merkins on the wet concrete.

13. YHC has the #BombBox blasting Van Halen – Right Now, Imagine Dragons – Thunder, Pearl Jam – Even Flow and Porch, Rage Against the Machine – Bulls in Parade, Sponge – Plowed, and Red Hot Chili Peopers – Give it Away. 

14. Respect to Zuul and Perrier (who according to Auto needs valet parking based on his parking confusion this AM).  

Thank you men.  You really blessed me! 
