Swifty – FNG-1

Mr. Holland started us out with a slow mosey in two groups where we played a form of “duck duck goose” by alternating runners circling the pax while the pax lunge walked in one large circle.  This was surprisingly brutal.  Then we proceeded with a high intensity set of suicides with Merkins, LBC’s and Burpees in a 5, 10, 15 increasing sequence.  This elicited a lot of groans.  We then started at one end with 3 levels of increased core work (5, 10 and 15 of LBC’s, low flutters and W’s).  We moseyed back to the side of HT and went straight to the wall where I believe he looked at my Weinke and stole half of it with People’s Chair, OH presses, touch them heals, calf raises …  (just kidding). 

I took over and explained the plan from the planked position. We did sets of 3 exercises with an immediate repeato.  We did three sets of exercises, some were labeled improperly by the Q but no one complained about it (no, they did!).  Rather than go to the wall as planned the 2nd Q had to improvise and run through a series of core and mobility exercises.

Voting resulted in a tie at which point Mr. Holland and I were directed to provide one last exercise.  It was here that Mr. Holland showed his youthful brilliance and through the event by calling a 10 Burpee exercise.  Fitting with his play, I called a “nose touch” exercise which proved decidedly less arduous, thus resulting in a favorable voting result (some might argue that Mr. Holland got the favorable vote 😊). 


We all had good fun and we all got a very strenuous workout.  I enjoyed my part, but was perplexed by Jersey Boy’s play to take over the Q by sitting smack in the middle of the workout circle.  Mr. Holland performed fabulously despite a weeklong illness.