Scrum and LB Dominate in the Stadium

After a warmup with Das Boot and the other half of the Saturday crew, 16 Davidson Pax came on a 3 mile run with some stops along the way.

Start at Stadium: 10 burpees then run 60 yards on track and back, 9 burpees, then once up stadium stairs and back, 8 burpees, then 60 yards and back, 7 burpees, then once up stairs and back, etc down 6,5,4,3,2,1 burpees in between runs.

Run over to Baker: raccoon crawl the triangle, alt step ups, box jumps and repeato.  Then run to back of Baker for pusharama: 10 regular, 10 wde, 10 diamond IC, then squats for rest and repeato 10, 10, 10.  Then run to pull-up bars for 2 sets of 10. Then to front of baker for dips and box jumps.

Then two more times running around Baker with stops for triangle raccoon crawl, 30 pushups, 10 pullups, 10 box jumps.

Then back to stadium entrance for Mary and sprint back to Green.

Moleskin: Scrum and LB Larry Birded all of us on the first burpee ladder – lapped almost everyone and looked like machines out there!  Also Buckner and Bijoux helped set the pace. 

Ranger lets you know his feelings on the workout in less than subtle ways, i.e the middle finger is his go to move.

Crude and Mindfreak had had enough after the starting ladder so one or both feigned injury and headed back for coffee. Or to stretch and discuss proper form…

During the sprint back to the Green, Buckner commented that it is longer than it looks…

Fun to be back to some of the old AO stand-bys on campus!

If I left you out and you are signed up on the site, chime in below for credit!

