Season Finale at Iliad

Event Date

Sep 26, 2017


8 hard chargers posted this morning to send Iliad off in style.  3 came early for an off the books Standard.  Here’s how the festivities shook out:

SSH x 20 IC

IST x 15 IC

Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

Mosey to top of hill towards track

Bunny hop to first lightpole

Alternating lunge to second lightpole

Mosey onto track

Indian Run x 1 lap

Jog around track about halfway, and at YHC’s signal, run all out until back at gate.  We did this 4 times.  Distance came out to roughly 1/8 mile jog, 1/8 mile sprint for 1 mile total.

On side of track, do some core work:

Low Flutter x 30 IC

Big Baby Crunch x 25 IC

WWII Situp x 25 IC

Mason Twist x 20 IC

Indian Run x 1 lap, trying to go slightly faster this time

Sprint 1 lap as hard and fast as you can, to end the Iliad season with a bang

Mosey back up to covered picnic area for stretching and COT.


  • Thank you all for coming out this morning and giving Iliad a proper send off for the season.  I certainly had fun, especially at the end when I could barely breathe.  Excellent job by all, way to dig deep and leave it all out there.
  • Honored to be given the keys to the final Iliad posting of the season, I hope I did it justice. 
  • Thank you especially Jimmy O for taking the lead and building Iliad from the ground up.  As you said this morning, the goal of Iliad is to not only build strength and speed, but also to build confidence in everyone’s running abilities, even for those “non-runners” in the group.  Judging by the impressive performance of everyone I saw out there this morning, and the BRR shirts I saw on some fellas, you have successfully achieved that goal.  Congrats, a true #HIM at work.
  • Looking forward to next year when Iliad debuts for its second season.  I will see you all there.
