Secure Your Room…

Event Date

May 04, 2023


Studs!!! Missed those worth missing…


  • SSH – 25 IC
  • Grandma Maters – 10 IC
  • Imperial Storm Troopers – 10 IC

The Thang:

LBH Mosey, find a happy spot…

  • WW1 Sit-Ups – 30 OYO

Mosey to the back playground, find your block…

  • Block Quadfecta – 20 IC
  • Incline Merkins – 20 OYO
  • Pull-Ups – 10 OYO

LBH Mosey, find a happy spot…

  • WW1 Sit-Ups – 30 OYO

Mosey to the back playground, find your block…

  • Block Quadfecta – 20 IC
  • Incline Merkins – 20 OYO
  • Pull-Ups – 10 OYO

LBH Mosey, find a happy spot…

  • WW1 Sit-Ups – 30 OYO

Mosey to the back playground, find your block…

  • Block Quadfecta – 20 IC
  • Incline Merkins – 20 OYO
  • Pull-Ups – 10 OYO

LBH Mosey, mosey to the parking lot to circle up…


  • Hidden throughout…


3 to 4 sets of 30 TO 50 Merkins every 2 to 3 days…

Dandelion’s Birthday:

June 18th


Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am…

John 14:1-3 NIV:

Secure your room…


  • Winner, winner…
  • Etc, etc, etc…

For LOVE of the PAX, the BEST of the BEST,
