See a need, fill a need!

FNG: Grumpy, Soprano’s 2.0 Joey
11 joined YHC for Hollywood this fine morning. Last night as I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do this morning; run or boot camp, I saw no one had signed up to Q Hollywood, See a need, Fill a need. 
Warm-Up: Mosey to turf and after checking with everyone on their recent tetanus shots we proceeded to warm up on the Birkdale outdoor dog urinal. Fortunately we did not do any mericans or low hovers on the turf, we did do a few mountain climbers but I felt pretty secure we have all had our hands in worse spots. 
After warm up, jog to plantar and proceed with 2 rounds of close grip incline mericans with Bulgarian split squats forward and lateral sandwiched in between. Jog to movie theater wall for double and single leg peoples chair. Jog to parking lot ramp and our work day started.

4 rounds of 25 reps/sprint up ramp after each set.

  • mericans
  • body weight squats
  • carolina dry docks
  • forward lunge

Jog to rock pile across bridge, a few of the PAX doubted YHC and our ability to get there and get back, those PAX learned don’t doubt the ‘Stream.

Rock exercises 2 rounds 20 reps bicep curl, low row. Rocks returned jog to bottom of parking lot for a round of I, Y, T’s, at this point Hat Trick complained to Grumpy that he was never taught the alphabet and was not sure the difference between a I and a Y.

Jog back to Dick’s for second round of I,Y,T’s and burpees. Jog back to launch for mobility.

Some mumble about the distance we ran; in disclaimer running was mentioned, 2.2 miles covered you would have thought we did much more………

Great group of men this morning. I see why Grumpy was named Grumpy, he had a smile from ear to ear the entire morning, great kid who at 14 is already taller then his father. 
Prayers for all PAX and their families. 
Prayers for a friend of mine daughter who is battling cancer and needs all the prayers she can get.

Prayed that we can continue to be the type of men who see a need and fill it; in our lives, in the community and in our families. We need to be the type of men that our world needs.

Thank you all for posting and pushing this morning.
