Seek Out Those Puddles

13 of the fastest & strongest warriors (Including Hotbox not yet on the site but YHC will include once you are in) in Isotope embraced the suck & crushed the Sharknado. Here is their story:


Auto, Tugs & YHC met The Standard for ~2 miles


Brief instructions for the pax new to Sharknado and those who have been away too long and forgot



Run to the corner of Awesome and Awesomer
Burpees x 15 OYO
Run a lap
Diamond mericans x 20 OYO
Run a lap
WWII situps x 20 OYO
Run a lap
Mericans x 20 OYO
Run a lap
Scorpion dry docks x 20 OYO
Run a lap

Recover recover



Queue up Welcome to the Jungle and LET'S F'N GO!!! It's not Sharknado until Scrap turns up the tunes and the pace the minute the green flag waves. Whoa whoa whoa is that Hoodie. Shit Hoodie is here. It felt like just last week at Shakeweight that he was being carried from Turncoat's car. Ya know the same day that Popcorn got his personal invite on that fancy, white, cloudy wedding paper hand delivered straight from Poptart. Here ye here ye, Shakeweight wants you, yes you to show up on Fridays at 0530 and call tootsie roll burpees until Poptart finds the next public location to hide out in. Get it on the calendar Roadie. Its a thing unlike shirtless aquaman. 

Tugs grabbed the early lead until Swingstate filled him in that you don't pass a Nantan. Thats bad luck and several of you were guilty. Was Frodo there because YHC could here him in my ear all morning but it didn't matter. Popcorn, Cherry Bomb and Auto all pushing the pace behind the leaders this morning. Their only chance to catch em would have been to do metro burpees and thats not in their wheelhouse. WWIIs under cover to avoid the ants in puddles, maybe for some, but not flying squirrels. Hotbox called his shot and knocked it out of the park. Breaks an ankle after getting named at FKT and then total redeems himself on his first post back to the place that sat him down and follows it up with Sharknado. MY MAN! 

Big Montana only goes for hard lately. Like a ninja no one even knew he was there until he tried to leave the six. Poptart found cover every chance he got. Luckily he had Perrier close by to pull him back around the loop. Enron was there to round out the Boat Gusters. Those guys travel in packs these days when they aren't at Golds. 

If this was your first Sharknado or it is just the first time in a while…congrats your crushed it. Now the bar is set. You never know when the next time will arise but you will be ready to push harder and do more. 

Prayers up for Brandon's family and friends. Check the website for deets on The Polar Bear, FNG Challenge, and upcoming CSAUP events.

As always, thanks for the opportunity to lead a tough beatdown on an awesome morning. It takes a certain kind of man to wake up, see rain, know the beatdown that is coming and still post. Its mornings like these that prepare us to seek out the puddles in our lives and know that we will be just fine when we lay down in them to complete our WWII situps because your brother next to you is doing the same damn thing. Notice that when you get up, that spot is now dried up for the next guy that comes along to do his reps. Lead from the front and seek out those puddles. Until the next time…

